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 Pastor's Blog 
Monday, January 22 2024

While knowledge may make us feel important, it is love that really builds up the church.

Anyone who claims to know all the answers doesn’t really know very much.

But the person who loves God is the one God knows and cares for.

                            1 Corinthians 8:1b-3 NLT

Smart alecks feel no need for God.

     Know-it-alls never seek wisdom flowing from above.

     Proud VIPs chasing personal agendas never kneel before Me. 

     Self-sufficient do-it-yourselfers see no need of heaven’s help. 

     Knowledge swells your head . . . love stretches your heart. 

     Don’t kid yourself into thinking you’re really smart. 

     You, like all other human beings, have a lot to learn. 

     There are two lessons you need to learn very well—

          I am totally, eternally, irrevocably responsible for all.

               I am God, with wisdom found nowhere else.

          You are ultimately responsible to Me for the way you live. 

               You are not God, so you need wisdom to live rightly.

Narcissists feel no attraction to God. 

     Self-centered, they miss life’s true Center of Gravity.

     Wrapped up in themselves, they make a very small package.

     Concerned with their business, they have no time for Mine.

     Egomaniacal, they self-destruct in their own little world.

Humble believers feel love for God. 

     Proud minds resist grace . . . tender hearts receive it. 

     Recidivists run from My way . . . repentant souls cling to it. 

     Hard-hearted are ingrates . . . the forgiven sing My praises. 

     Self-reliant love themselves . . . the God-reliant love Me.   

     Humble hearts realize I know everything about them—

          habits, hang-ups, hopes;  roads untaken; unspoken words.

     The meek don’t know it all, but trust the One who does. 

     Reveling in My loving care, believers face the future joyfully.

     Holding My hand, My disciples walk the path of the best life. 

     Nestling near My loving heart, believers know real joy. 

     Following My lead, sheep of My fold find their way home. 

     Loving Me wholeheartedly, saints celebrate My Providence. 

     Giving Me all their cares, My children live carefree.   

     I know the hairs on your head, and the hurts in your heart.

     False gods do not care for you, but I do—trust Me and see. 


© By Pastor Johnny R. Almond             Gentle Whispers from Eternity

Posted by: Pastor Almond AT 11:19 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Tuesday, January 16 2024


                I can do everything with the help of Christ who gives me the strength I need.
                                                        Philippians 4:13 NLT


Be cheerful in a sad world—mute negative melancholy with unfailing music.
     Celebrate My pardon—your name is indelibly registered as a citizen of heaven.
     Celebrate My Presence—at My side, there is joy too wonderful for words.
     Celebrate My peace—the world system cannot supply it; neither can it steal it.
     Celebrate My promise, one thing that is for sure—I will never forsake you.


Be calm in a chaotic world—replace negative worry with unquestioning worship.
     The cross is a plus sign in a negative world, changing everything for the better.
     Do less “what-if” supposing, more “leaning-on-everlasting-arms” reposing.
     I am in control—in charge behind chaos scenes, orchestrating the grand finale.
     Climb into My hammock—feel soothing wind of grace, and relax in My arms.


Be careful in a careless world—overcome negative ideas with unvarying truth.
     Want to be a person of integrity? Then reflect on timeless truth.
     Want to live honorably? Then meditate on honorable thoughts.
     Do not fall for Satan’s tiring old line that it does not matter what you think!

Be content in a greedy world—cancel negative whining by uncommon contentment.
     Tranquility results from being, not having—contented people are truly rich.
     I am El Shaddai, the Enough God—depend on My infinite resources.
     Learn to be satisfied in all situations by treasuring your relationship to Me.


Be capable in a grueling world—conquer negative despair by unflagging optimism.
     You’re weak, but I am strong—in relationship with Me, you can cope with life.
     The power of positive praying is the source of competence.
     Quiet confidence in Me is the key to strength and the secret of perseverance.


Be confident in an uncertain world—destroy negative anxiety with undying hope.
     Let Me have all your cares, then you can enjoy a carefree existence.
     In My strength, you are ready for anything the world throws at you.
     Trust Me, then you will receive blessings you never imagined possible.


Celebrate the Dynamic Mystery residing within your heart—live positively.

© By Pastor Johnny R. Almond                      Day 346, Gentle Whispers from Eternity

Posted by: Pastor Almond AT 11:52 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Monday, January 08 2024

   The Lord came and called as before, “Samuel!  Samuel!”
        Samuel replied, “Speak, your servant is listening.”

                       1 Samuel 3:10  NLT


     You have never heard Me speak audibly, but you have heard My gentle whispers echoing in your conscience, creation and Scripture.  Written and natural revelation prompt you to worship, praise and serve Me. 

     The universe sings My praises and displays My breathtaking craftsmanship. A language without syllables is written large across the skies, speeding across the intergalactic network at the speed of thought.  Sun, moon, and stars silently hint at My invariable faithfulness. 


     I open My heart to your heart. My Holy Spirit lives within you, so you are under My control. Life is best when I am in charge. My Spirit leads you and marks you Mine. I inspire your innermost being in the quest for truth. Redoubling your efforts does nothing to strengthen moral muscle. Do-it-yourself spells defeat—life on My terms spells victory. 

     I guide you by My Book from Heaven. Its track record of accurate prophetic fulfillment should encourage you to believe it. I am the Living God. I have spoken in the Scriptures. I mean every word I say. I will do everything I have promised. 


     My law is perfect, putting a spring in your step. My life map is accurate, making you wise. My commandments are right, bringing enjoyment to relationships. My instructions are billboard clear, keeping you traveling on the right highway. 

     I speak to you clearly through My Son. In Him, Love is plain as day.  Everything about Him exactly represents My nature. His powerful words hold everything in the universe together, including you. He is near to My heart—draw near to Him, and you will be too. 


     Stand in awe that I speak from My heavenly throne to your earthly situation. You cannot fathom the mysteries of how I communicate with your heart,      but you can understand Me. 

     Listen for your Master’s voice—love My life-changing lessons. 

     Listen for your Master’s voice—learn My eternal truth. 

     Listen for your Master’s voice—live My servant way.

     You have ears to hear. Are you listening? Can you hear Me now?

© By Pastor Johnny R. Almond                                 Gentle Whispers from Eternity                

Posted by: Pastor Almond AT 10:19 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Tuesday, January 02 2024

Hilkiah the high priest found the Book of Law of the LORD as it had been given through Moses.

When the king heard what was written in the law, he tore his clothes in despair.

“Go to the Temple; speak to the Lord for me and the remnant of Israel and Judah.

     Ask him about the words written in this scroll.   

     We have not been doing what this scroll says we must do.”
2 Chronicles 34:14, 19, 21 NLT


     My Textbook for Living had been lost during reigns of evil kings. Found and read to Josiah, he realized drastic changes were required to bring the nation he
governed back into line with My commands.


     The Book from Heaven is My gift to earth, telling you of My care. My never-ending love story is recorded in the pages of Scripture.

     The Book of Holiness is My instruction manual on how to live. My inspired Word teaches you eternal truths, makes you sense what is wrong in your life, gets you back on track, and helps you avoid derailment.

     The Book of Books tells of My greatness and exalts My lordship. It records My creation of the universe out of nothing, My holding it all together with invisible hands, and My supervising galaxies—and you.


     The Book of Life reminds you of My encouraging grace—illuminating your lonely darkness with My Heartwarming Presence. Nothing can extinguish Holy Radiant Light.

     Every time you reopen Scripture, you rediscover the Book that makes all the difference in your life. No other book transforms your attitudes and actions like the Holy Bible. No other book so convicts you of sin and makes you want to respond with true remorse and repentance.

     The world’s greatest literature cannot compare to the treasures of My law. No poetry matches the Psalms. No novel is more charming than the saga of My love. No story is more captivating than Scripture.

     The world’s profoundest wisdom cannot hold a candle to the truth of My Word. The most thoughtful philosophies cannot touch the human heart like Christ’s parables. All the best books ever written, placed side by side, could not rival the divine library of Scripture.

     Do not leave My Word on a bookshelf to collect dust—that is no better than hiding a scroll in the Temple. An unread Bible is as useless as a lost one.       The best Bible study? Read it over, think it through, pray it in, and live it out.  An obedient life is the best translation your world will ever read.


      © By Pastor Johnny R. Almond             Day 176, Gentle Whispers from Eternity


Posted by: Pastor Almond AT 11:45 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Monday, December 04 2023

You should look forward to that day and hurry it along—
     the day when God will set the heavens on fire
     and the elements will melt away in the flames.
We are looking forward to the new heavens and new earth
     he has promised, a world where everyone is right with God.
     So, dear friends, while you are waiting for these things to happen,
          make every effort to live a pure and blameless life.  
     And be at peace with God.
2 Peter 3:12-14 NLT

Scoffing skeptics are destined for an awful hell.

     Captivated by sinful desires, they conveniently deny ultimate reality.

     Assuming everything will stay the same, they ignore inevitable change.

     Living only for the moment, they forget death and judgment.

All the cynics have to anticipate is hell.

     Joking at My Word, they will not have the last laugh.

Believers in My Son can look forward to heaven on earth.

     Finally they will inhabit a tearless, painless, sinless, deathless place.

     Forever they will celebrate My Presence.

In light of the apocalypse of burning fire, pray in humility.

The saved are destined for an awesome home.

     Responding to My window of opportunity, they receive My grace.

     Realizing the urgency of repentance, they turn from sin to Me. 

     Rejoicing in My reign in their heart, they confidently anticipate glory.

All the arrogant can look forward to is punishment.

     Strutting in pride, they will suffer in perdition.

The meek can look forward to paradise. 

     Reverent before Me, they find the holy land beneath their knees. 

     Honoring Me, in My good time I will honor them.

In view of the advent of a bright future, purify your heart.

The sanctified are destined for absolute holiness.

     Believing My vow of a new earth landscaped in holiness, they shape up.

     Conscientiously obeying My orders, they are sculpted into My image.

     Yielding to My Holy Spirit’s work, they reflect My glory more and more.

All the complacent can count on is embarrassing regret.

     Napping in apathy, they will blush when My appearing wakes them up.

The devoted can look forward to reigning with Me and sharing My glory.

     Making a conscious effort, they will receive My eternal reward.

     Giving Me their best, they will bask in the favor of My smile.

In response to the atonement of blessed forgiveness, prepare for heaven.


© By Pastor Johnny R. Almond                              Gentle Whispers from Eternity

Posted by: Pastor Almond AT 11:10 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Monday, November 27 2023

After those horrible days end, the sun will be darkened,

the moon will not give light, stars will fall from the sky,

     and the powers of heaven will be shaken. 

Then everyone will see the Son of Man arrive on the clouds,   

     with great power and glory.  So keep a sharp lookout! 

For you do not know when the homeowner will return—

                                               at evening, midnight, early dawn, or late daybreak.

                                                            Mark 13:24-26, 36-37 NLT

     Contrary to popular opinion, the Creator will return as Judge. 

     The Lamb will become a Lion—the world will go up in smoke.

     Jesus’ shout will wake the dead—his trumpet call will be reveille.

     Heads will roll, tears will fall, and knees will bend.


     Keep doing right, no matter how intensely Satan tempts you—

          then you can look Me straight in the eye without embarrassment.

     Stay on the same wavelength with the Light of the world—

          keep away from dark, dingy places demons haunt.

     Stay on the same sheet of music with the Source of music—

          enjoy eternal pleasure of My company, not sin’s temporary thrills.

     The sun will be eclipsed by the dawn of the Sun of Righteousness.

     After constellations die, the Bright Morning Star will shine on.

     When human authority is history, the King of Kings will reign forever.

     My promised future perfect tense will materialize at the right time.

     Citizens from every nation will be privileged to be heavenly residents.  

     Believers will learn to speak My universal language of love. 

     Rest assured these good things will happen—you have My Word.

     In view of My return . . .

          Stay awake!  You do not know the day or hour, so watch your step.

               Live prayerfully—worship Me constantly with all your heart. 

          Stay alert!  Only the Father knows the time, so do not let it surprise you.

               Live wisely—think My thoughts and conquer the evil one.

          Stay active!  Lackadaisicalness and mediocrity betray your profession.   

               Live faithfully—work for Me with passion and energy. 

          Stay watchful!  The King will return on God’s timetable, not yours.

               Live conscientiously—make a conscious effort to be ready. 

     I may interrupt the evening of your leisure, bringing you eternal peace.

     My wakeup call may happen during the midnight of your deepest rest.

     Sunrise of an ordinary day may bring the dawn of heaven’s new day.

     Your morning preoccupation may be replaced with unending worship.

     Do not try to calculate the day of My return—prepare for it!

© By Pastor Johnny R. Almond                         Gentle Whispers from Eternity

Posted by: Pastor Almond AT 11:21 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Monday, November 20 2023

          Authentic Christianity

Now, dear children, continue to live in fellowship with Christ

     so that when he returns, you will be full of courage

          and not shrink back from him in shame.

                              1 John 2:28 NLT

Be Christlike in your actions.

    Back up adjectives with verbs—I do not want applause; I want surrender.

    Christlikeness is a moral imperative, not an ideal—a must, not an ought to. 

    Do more than ask what I would do—do what you know I want you to do.     

    Walk in My steps and I will reward you with My smile.

Be compassionate in your relationships.

     I am the God with a heart—be sure you have one too.

     Loving keeps you near the Light—hatefulness keeps you in the dark.

     Christian love is not based on feelings—it begins with a choice of the will.

     Follow My example and I will bless you with My love. 

Be celebrative in My Presence.

     In My Presence, there is Light beyond shadows.

     My music teaches you to sing; My promises give you confidence;

          My grace strengthens your soul; My peace calms you in the storm.

     Learn My melody of joy and I will give you a full, rich life.

Be consecrated in My will.

     Physical pleasure cannot compare to the sweetness of My will.

     Material things are transitory—invisible realities last forever.

     Use possessions; don’t let them possess you—I alone deserve First Place.

     Treasure My friendship above all and I will give you eternal life. 

Be consistent in your devotion.

     Stay in step with the Way, keep faith in the Truth, enjoy liberty of the Life. 

     Trust and obey Me, whatever happens—prove you are a real disciple. 

     Keep traveling My road and I will get you home.

Be certain in your heart.

     Obedience is faith’s acid test—believers march in step with their King.         

     When you lovingly obey Me, I get personal with you—

          dear, not distant;  close, not cerebral;  Friend, not cold fact;

          Companion, not merely a creed;  relationship, not just religion;

          heartfelt passion, not head-trip idea;  treasure, not only a thought.

     Stay near My heart, enjoy pleasure of My company, and I will make Myself real to you. 


  © By Pastor Johnny R. Almond                            Gentle Whispers from Eternity

Posted by: Pastor Almond AT 10:42 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Monday, November 13 2023


                           The master was full of praise, “Well done, my good and faithful servant.

                                      You have been faithful in handling this small amount,

                         so now I will give you many more responsibilities. Let’s celebrate together!”

                                                                    Matthew 25:21 NLT

Good job!   You’ll hear these words if you do My work well. 

     Well thought is good, well said is nice, but well done gets My attention. 

     I expect you to do something for Me—not just study or discuss it.

     Don’t just sit around and do nothing wrong—do something right.

     I am omniscient—I see the quality of service and the purity of motives. 

     Invest time and energy in My work and I will commend you one day.

Good heart!   At the cross, I took your sin and gave you perfection.

     I am merciful—I forgive repentant hearts. 

     Trust Me and I will give you My righteousness.

Good attitude!   The Faithful One is your example—walk in My steps.

     I am the Servant King—be subject to My will and live like Me.

     Without Me, you can do nothing worthwhile—without faith, you fail.

     For every responsibility I give you, I also grant you response-ability.

     Go out on a limb—don’t play it safe on this faith adventure.

     I inspire and energize you—yield and you can do what I ask of you.

Good response!   Trustworthiness and dependability are what I look for.

     I am your Boss—work like it.

     Give Me your best effort—strive to reach the high standards I set.

     Shoddy work and halfhearted efforts are unacceptable.

     I am gracious—I bless you with strength to serve.

     I trust you—now do your very best for Me.

Good reward!   You’ll receive something better than a paycheck. 

     Be faithful in small things—invest in My cause and earn big dividends.

     I observe all you do for Me—trust Me and I will make it all worthwhile.

     Nothing you do in My name is a waste of time—eternity will prove it.

     When you stand before your King, all you’ve done, yes everything

          will be worth it . . . rest assured I’ll reward you with My smile.
          With this one thought keep going . . . living, working for My smile.

© By Pastor Johnny R. Almond                Gentle Whispers from Eternity

Posted by: Pastor Almond AT 12:04 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Tuesday, November 07 2023

   May your roots go down deep into the soil of God’s marvelous love.

    May you have the power to understand, all God’s people should,

         how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love really is.
     Ephesians 3:17b-18 NLT


My love is wider than your mind—it is universal.
     Reality transcending E = mc2 is greater than your ability to comprehend.
     I am energy’s Source, faith’s Center of Gravity, and light’s Creator.
     My love reaches out to people of all nations—not just people like you.
     My love is no abstraction, it is actuality—more than an idea, it is truth.
     My mercy and compassion for the undeserving extends even to you.
     You cannot fathom why I care for you, but you can experience My love.

My love is longer than your lifetime—it is unending.
     No force can separate you from My love—
          death’s terror, life’s trouble, demons’ distraction, today’s fear,
          tomorrow’s worry, hell’s power, height’s dizziness, sea’s chaos—
               nothing can come between us.
     Believer, we are inseparable.
     When you are finally free from death, you will sing of My love forever.


My love is higher than your soul—it is unlimited.
     My love cancels despair with hope, and cares more than you imagine.
     Infinitely beyond earnest prayers, intense hopes, and grand dreams—
          My work inside your being gives you joy too wonderful for words.
     The place My heart is preparing for those who respond to My love
          is more beautiful than paintings, symphonies, or poems can express.

My love is deeper than your heart—it is unfailing.
     Betsie ten Boom is right—no pit is so deep, that I am not deeper still.
     When you experience depression, do not lose your hope in Me.
     My heart empathizes with you in your pain and problems.
     My promises guide you through the maze of perplexity.
     My Spirit holds you together through your darkest night.
     I am your Face-healer—smile through tears until I wipe them away.


© By Pastor Johnny R. Almond                 Day 344, Gentle Whispers from Eternity

Posted by: Pastor Almond AT 02:16 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Monday, October 30 2023

“You’re hopeless, you religion scholars and Pharisees!  Frauds! 

You burnish the surface of your cups and bowls so they sparkle in the sun, 

     while the insides are maggoty with greed and gluttony.  Stupid Pharisee!

Scour the insides, and then the gleaming surface will mean something.

You’re like manicured grave plots, grass clipped and the flowers bright,

    but six feet down it’s all rotting bones and worm-eaten flesh.

                                People look and think you’re saints, but beneath the skin you’re total frauds.”

                                                      Matthew 23:25-28 THE MESSAGE

I’m giving you fair warning—heaven’s judgment fell on first-century pretenders,

     and it still falls on the heads of all who repeat their folly.

Pride always receives My severe condemnation.

     Religion means nothing to Me—relationship means everything.

     My Son put an end to religion, making heartless ceremonies obsolete. 

     Status nauseates me—servanthood receives My smile. 

     Payola piety turns My stomach—sincere worship melts My heart.

     Sermons without words are what I’m looking for, not hollow lectures.

     Fall to your knees because of your sin, then you can get to your feet again.

     I am your Teacher—sit at My feet as a humble student.

     Learn My lessons before you presume to teach others how to live.

Pretense always meets My heavy disapproval. 

     Pharisees practiced payola piety, trying to win human approval.

     They got what they wanted, nothing more—they were paid in full.

     They learned verses in their head, but did not know Me in their heart.

     They loved the attention of the masses, but did not love the Master.

     They acted spiritual to cover up their evil, but hid nothing from Me.

     They painted a veneer over their sin, but changed nothing inside. 

     Do better than the play-actors—take off your mask and avoid theatrics. 

     I am your Leader—stay near My heart and walk in My steps.

     Get real with Me before you attempt to lead people.

Superficiality always merits My intense judgment.

     Peripheral issues detract from nobler matters—equity, kindness, fidelity. 

     Looking good is no substitute for being good.

     I see right through you—you can’t fool Me for a minute.

     Reputation is what others think of you—character is what I know you are.

     Externalities may impress people and gain you wide recognition;

          but what pleases Me is a clean, wise, joyful, loving, obedient heart. 

     Keeping up appearances, with a heart rotten to the core, angers Me.

     I am your Savior—be pure inside and your public persona will be authentic.

     Be right on the inside before you try to influence the world.

     Be a fake, and you’re sure to receive My harsh censure.

     Be My authentic follower, and you’re certain to receive My commendation.


  © By Pastor Johnny R. Almond                         Gentle Whispers from Eternity

Posted by: Pastor Almond AT 10:36 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email

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    Hull's Memorial Baptist Church
    420 Enon Road | Fredericksburg, VA 22406 | PH: 540.371.4124