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Hull's Memorial Baptist Church

Who We Are

We are a group of ordinary people who live and work in a community much like you do.  We have the same challenges you face. We are drawn together and held together by love.
We share the same beliefs and have a purpose.  We also have a vision for our church.
We call ourselves Friends on a Journey of Faith and we are Christians.  We have a rich history which dates back to 1888.  We are affiliated with the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship and try with the help of the Holy Spirit to emulate their vision, “Being the presence of Christ in the world”.
Our local mission field is Stafford County, Virginia, and we partner with other organizations to accomplish God’s will within and outside of our community.

    Hull's Memorial Baptist Church
    420 Enon Road | Fredericksburg, VA 22406 | PH: 540.371.4124