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 Pastor's Blog 
Tuesday, April 02 2024

         The Incomparable Christ

In these final days, God has spoken to us through his Son.
Through the Son he made the universe and everything in it.

The Son reflects God’s glory; everything about him represents God exactly.
                              Hebrews 1:2-3a NLT

        Sallman Head of Christ


Christ is Heaven’s Vicar—God’s One and Only Son, totally like the Father.
     No one else exactly reflects God’s kind nature and His holy purpose.
     Worshiping him with all our heart is the recipe for effervescent joy.
     He is the Way, Truth, and Life—the Sculptor of the universe.


Christ is Heaven’s Vitality—God’s Resurrection, triumphing over death.
     No one else can create life from nothing.
     Marveling at his awesome creativity is the secret of appreciating beauty.
     He is the Good Shepherd—the Sustainer of all creation.


Christ is Heaven’s Virtue—God’s Goodness, guiding us mercifully in the maze.
     No one else can be our Center of Gravity when everything falls apart.
     Depending on him when perplexities crowd our heart is the recipe for calm.
     He is the Lamb of God—the Savior of sinners.


Christ is Heaven’s Vindication—God’s pardon, dismissing hell’s case against us.

     No one else can forgive transgressions and make our soul white as snow.
     Trusting his love when guilt burdens is the only way we can learn to sing.
     He is the King of kings—the Sovereign of eternity.


Christ is Heaven’s Victory—God’s authority, presiding over the final judgment.
     No one else is worthy of reigning over every nation and every heart.
     Submitting to his plan is the road to discovering a purposeful life.
     He is the Light of the world—the Star of bright morning.


Christ is Heaven’s Vision—God’s promise, painting a bright future for believers.
     No one else can solve the world’s intractable problems.
     Hoping in the Prince of Peace is the ultimate antidote to despair.
     He is the Alpha and Omega—the Song in the night.


Christ is Heaven’s Vocabulary—God’s Holy Alphabet, all He has to say to earth.
     No one else perfectly understands the heart of God.
     Paying careful attention to his voice is the path to timeless, infinite wisdom.

     He is the Word of grace and truth—the Spokesperson for God.


© By Pastor Johnny R. Almond                   Day 354, Gentle Whispers from Eternity

Posted by: Pastor Almond AT 02:11 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Monday, March 25 2024

By Pastor Johnny R. Almond

     Frederick Buechner writes this about Palm Sunday: “Despair and hope travel the road to Jerusalem together, as they travel every road we take—despair at what in our madness we are bringing down on our own heads, and hope in him who travels the road with us and for us, who is the only one of us all who is not mad.”

     Journeying through life, we have mixed emotions—angst thinking about current events of war, starvation, international unrest, and political chaos; optimism meditating on the promise of a new Jerusalem, a new earth without sickness, pain, death or sin.  

     Konrad Adenauer, German chancellor, told Billy Graham, “If Jesus Christ is not alive, then I see no hope for this world.”  Imagining what it would be like were there no resurrection, Paul wrote “If Christ has not been raised, then our preaching amounts to nothing and your faith is futile, you are still in your sins, and those who have died with faith in Christ have perished.” (1 Corinthians 15:14-18 MLB)  It’s like saying, “Suppose the sun did not rise tomorrow,         then what? There would be only darkness and confusion and despair. But the sun has come up, and we walk in the light without fear.”

      Jesus travels the road of life with us. He made a promise to remember—      “I am with you all the days until the end of the age” (Matthew 28:20). And God is for us, so even death cannot separate us from his love (Romans 8:31, 38). 

     Years ago, someone gave me a piece of newspaper with these anonymous words: “Refuse to be discouraged by the many signs that planet earth is the insane asylum of the solar system.” Sometimes I wonder.

     C.S. Lewis wrote of the trilemma—Jesus is either a lunatic, liar, or Lord. Considering Jesus’ teachings, life and love, we call him Lord.  Reflecting on the condition of our world and our own heart, one question remains to be answered—Is Jesus Christ “the only one of us all who is not mad”?   

     Fyodor Dostoyevsky wrote about people who have many material things, but “care nothing about how long they have been given to live because they can no longer think up ways to spend their hours.” Believing a paradise without sadness or sighs will materialize is not a mark of insanity, but a sign of implicit trust in God (Isaiah 26:3). Hope triumphs over despair, bringing perfect peace to one whose mind is stayed on God, whatever happens in this crazy world.  

Posted by: Pastor Almond AT 11:21 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Monday, March 18 2024


Onesimus is no longer just a slave; he is a beloved brother, especially to me.
Now he will mean much more to you, both as slave and brother in the Lord.

                                       Philemon 1:16 NLT


Christ represents you before God—interceding for potential slaves to sin.
     Your Savior’s prayers on your behalf prove His unconditional love.
     Your Defense Counsel argues your case before My throne.
     Celebrate acquittal, rest assured of His love, be confident of His help.
     The accuser points out failures—the Advocate pardons and protects.
     The care of the Lord is your reason for hope.
     You are forgiven.

Christ reconciles you to God—bridging the gap between us caused by sin.
     The price of salvation joins our hearts—mercy unites you with your Creator.
     The Sinless Lamb took all your trespasses on His shoulders.
     In exchange, He gave you the love of His heart—that is unfair, but grace.
     You were a runaway prodigal, but you came home—now there is peace.
     The celebration of the Lord is your song of joy.
     We are friends.

Christ redeemed you from slavery to sin—paying a debt you could not pay.
     The path to serenity is open—He unshackles you from awful addiction.
     Make sin a lifestyle and you will self-destruct—follow Me and you will soar.
     Peace of mind is not found at the Devil’s carnival—only in My company.
     Stay near My heart and I will teach you heaven’s freestyle jig of joy.
     The cost of liberation has been paid at Skull Hill.
     You are free.

Christ reinforces you to serve God—strengthening you to do My will.
     The privilege of slavery to Me is a little-known secret—the key to joy.
     To be My servant gives you a noble purpose and a promise beyond time.
     When I make a difference in you, you can make a difference in your world.
     Make Me your Master and you will never suffer bondage to the evil one.
     The chains of love never chafe.
     You are focused.


© Pastor Johnny R. Almond                      Day 353, Gentle Whispers from Eternity

Posted by: Pastor Almond AT 09:46 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Tuesday, March 12 2024

Then God our Savior showed us his kindness and love.
He saved us, not because of good things we did, because of his mercy.
He washed away our sins and gave us a new life through the Holy Spirit.
He generously poured out the Spirit upon us because of what Jesus Christ did.

Titus 3:4-6 NLT

Without My love, hopelessness would depress you.
     Dante was correct in placing a sign over hell’s entrance—
          “Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.”
     Without Jesus, eternity is an inferno—with Jesus, it is a paradise.
     Deep heart treasures belong to all who trust and obey Him.
     He is your Loving Savior, Faithful Guide, and Returning King.
     Because of My Son, you have a bright future.


Without My mercy, hell would doom you.
     All who surrender their entire personality to Christ will live forever—
          all others have nothing to look forward to but My crushing wrath.
     The old order of things will be replaced by the new Jerusalem—
          chaos suppressed by calm, darkness scattered by Light.
     Because of My sympathy, you have a beautiful forever.


Without My kindness, guilt would distress you.
     Jesus’ death at Skull Hill was not fair—He had done nothing wrong.
     He died for you—that is love; He swapped with you—that is grace.
     I would rather you never sinned; but when you do, do not be devastated.
          When your heart torments you, My heart forgives you.
          When the accuser points to your sin, the Advocate takes your case.
     Because of My support, you have a Best Friend in court.


Without My power, sin would defeat you.
     Were it not for the Liberator, you would be enslaved to the evil one.
     Were it not for the Light, you would scurry as a cockroach in the dark.
     Were it not for the Savior, you would be emotionally imprisoned by sin.
     I can cure you of cruel addiction to wickedness—victory is in Me alone.
     Because of My Spirit, you have boundless freedom.


© Pastor Johnny R. Almond                   Day 352, Gentle Whispers from Eternity

Posted by: Pastor Almond AT 09:21 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Monday, March 04 2024




I have fought a good fight, I have finished the race, and I have remained faithful.
Now the prize awaits me—t
he crown of righteousness the Lord, the righteous Judge,

     will give me on that great day of his return.

                               2 Timothy 4:7-8a NLT

I promise those who serve and follow Me meaningful, joyful, eternal life.
     Will you decide finally, firmly, and forever to follow Me?


Live unflinchingly for Me.
     Let nothing compete with Me as your life’s noblest purpose.
     Fight until the battle is won—then we will celebrate victory together.
     Die with your boots on—facing forward, facing the enemy.
     Engage the evil one in combat, counting on grace’s ultimate conquest.
     I will win the last war—the roaring lion will lose to Judah’s Lion.
     God protects you.
     Don My armor—never quiver.


Look unforgetfully for Me.
     Struggle on until you see My face—believe Me, I will not disappoint you.
     Dark times are steppingstones to the Light—keep walking with Me.
     On the threshold of each day, resolve to live with My return in mind.
     Whatever happens, it will be worth it when you kneel for My blessing.
     I will return in triumph—My Kingdom is coming and nothing can stop it.
     Glory awaits you.
     Believe My promises—never question.


Last unflaggingly for Me.

     Stay close to My heart and learn the secret of perseverance.
     Run until the race is done—keep the pace, with your eyes on Jesus.
     Never drop out of the Faith Marathon—I will embrace you at the finish line.
     Complete what you started—do not disenroll from Jesus University.
     I will strengthen you to survive—I am ready for any emergency.
     Grace sustains you.
     Hold My hand—never quit.


(c) By Pastor Johnny R. Almond                 

                                       Day 351, Gentle Whispers from Eternity

                                       Book available on 

Posted by: Pastor Almond AT 09:49 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Monday, February 26 2024

“Usually a host serves the best wine first.

‘Then when everyone is full and doesn’t care,

     he brings out the less expensive wines.

But you have kept the best until now!”

                     John 2:10 NLT

My way is the best course.

     Other paths claim to bring peace, but wind up being dead-end roads.

          Evil trails look inviting, but their promised ecstasy turns into agony. 

          Believers nestling near My heart experience inexplicable tranquility.

          My wonderworks change dull days into delightful days. 

     To access Holiness Highway, you must deliberately exit Evil Track. 

          Genuine belief is more than knowing My Word—it’s doing as I say.     

          Authentic love for Me is shown only one way—obedience to My orders. 

     Obey Me, and receive a special gift—I will make Myself real to you.

     I am the Wonderful Counselor—follow My guidance, and rest easy. 

My truth is the best creed.

     Other teachings seem reasonable, but are deceptive and deadly.

     My omnipotence can handle anything—no problem is too hard for Me.

          My glory can be glimpsed in creation’s beauty and grandeur.      

     My omniscience can see right through you—I can read your heart.

          I know your secrets, noble intentions and sincere desire to honor Me. 

     Life’s highest truth is this—get to know Jesus Christ and get to know God. 

     I am the Everlasting Father—focus on My glory, and know reality. 

My life is the best celebration.

     Other lifestyles advertise pleasure, but are dangerous risks.

     The evil one steals enthusiasm, kills joy, and destroys influence.

     My vintage wine gets sweeter every day—nothing else can compare.

          It did not come cheap—I trod the winepress alone on Skull Hill.

          I paid for you with My blood—I redeemed you at a very high cost.   

     Satan gives you the best he has to offer now, and then brings out his worst.

     I give you good things now, but I am saving the best for last.

          The Lamb’s wedding feast will be a celebration that will never end.

     I am the Prince of Peace—have faith in My government, and rejoice.


  © By Johnny R. Almond                                                 Gentle Whispers from Eternity

Posted by: Pastor Almond AT 11:31 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Monday, February 19 2024


                                              If your life honors the name of Jesus, he will honor you.
                                                              2 Thessalonians 1:12  THE MESSAGE

I honor those who honor Me—

   set your heart on My reciprocal honor.

Live gracefully—relate kindly to everyone.
     Behind the scenes, all people around you fight a hard battle—be kind.
     Living the Christian life is humanly impossible—be humble.
     Count on My power to enable you to do what I ask—be strong.
     Follow My example by living a life of love—be compassionate.
     Guard against arrogance—honor Me by relying on My power.
     Above all else, love.


Think calmly—respond peacefully in all situations.
     Let Me know what is on your mind, what is troubling you—be tranquil.
     Believe the future is as bright as My promises—be confident.
     Anticipate the perfect tomorrow I have planned—be optimistic.
     Climb into My grace hammock and be at ease in My care—be relaxed.
     Guard against angst—honor Me by trusting My promises.
     Whatever happens, look forward.


Serve faithfully—reach out to the lost with heaven’s Good News.
     Share the Gospel with everyone who will listen—be concerned.
     Remind unbelieving sinners there is hell to pay—be convinced.
     Turn your good intentions into noble initiatives—be committed.
     Invite others to join you on the journey to glory—be cordial.
     Guard against apathy—honor Me by offering My pardon.
     In My service, be loyal.


Endure unflinchingly—run perseveringly until the finish line.
     When tempted to give up the fight, look again at the cross—be brave.
     When you suffer for My sake, keep walking in My steps—be faithful.
     When you feel like I have forgotten you, recall My love—be grateful.
     When you wonder if it is worth the effort, struggle on—be tenacious.
     Guard against apostasy—honor Me by copying My pattern.
     By My grace, last.

(c) By Pastor Johnny R. Almond          

                                     Day 349, Gentle Whispers from Eternity

                           Book available at 

Posted by: Pastor Almond AT 10:00 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Monday, February 12 2024

             As we talk to our God and Father about you,
we think of your faithful work,  your loving deeds, and your

continual anticipation of the return of our Lord Jesus Christ.
                     1 Thessalonians 1:3 NLT


Faith works—it dances here and now.
    Firm reliance on your Savior naturally results in joyful acts of service.
    Realizing urgency of tasks I have assigned, you are purposefully busy.
    Taking My Word seriously, you do more than ponder—you labor.
    Believing Me, you obey Me—the connection proves your sincerity.
    Trust becomes action, turning intentions into God-honoring initiatives.
    You are My masterpiece—reflect My work in you by your life’s work.
    Remember what you are here after—I will take care of your hereafter.
    Attentively race to Christ’s reward—My smile will make it worthwhile.


Love obeys—it walks every rough road without giving up.
    I desire only the best for your life—live a life of love and you’ll find it.
    Love never gives up on you—never give up on Me.
    In a hateful world, revel in My love—stay near Me and find joy.
    Love never loses faith in your potential—follow Me and be your best.
    You are not yet all I want you to become—obey Me and grow up.
    Love endures through all difficulties—when life is painful, persevere.
    The Via Dolorosa was not easy—Christian living is not a cake walk.
    Continue doing My will—distinguish yourself as an authentic disciple.
    Actively respond to Christ’s redemption—this is the path of blessing.


Hope dreams—it looks forward to the Second Coming of the Messiah.
    The Advent of My Son will solve the world’s stubborn problems--

         puzzles politicians, warriors, and economists have never solved.
    Tomorrow is as bright as My promises—gaze through hope’s window.

    Your destiny is a tearless, painless, deathless, sinless place.
    The King’s reign will end sin’s nightmare—hallelujahs will echo in glory.
    Anticipate Christ’s return—then My dream will finally come true.

© By Pastor Johnny R. Almond            

Day 348, Gentle Whispers from Eternity

Posted by: Pastor Almond AT 11:02 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Monday, February 05 2024

Clay Hallelujahs

This precious treasure—light and power that now shine within us—

is held in fragile clay jars, that is, in our weak bodies.  
Everyone can see our glorious power is from God and not our own.

Though our bodies are dying, our spirits are being renewed every day.

2 Corinthians 4:7, 16 NLT

Forever light on Christ’s face is My best portrait of Incarnate Truth.

     Light beyond light is your Center of Gravity.

     Here is the Greatest Reality you can ever ponder:

          I Will Always Be Who I Have Always Been—

               I have always loved you, and I always will.

     Get to know My Son better—enjoy the pleasure of His company.

Frail life of clay is a container of boundless power, an interior treasure.

     Your human body is mortal, finite, limited by space and time.

     Yet I choose to make your heart My home.

     I am Light in your darkness—the dark side cannot conquer My love.

     I am Power in your weakness—the evil one cannot vanquish My grace.

     Avoid staggering in dirty places—walk as a child of the Light.

Finish line is the challenge to believing perseverance in intense trial.

     Endurance is underrated—those who finish the race win My smile.

     When perplexed, pray—gaze again at My cross and hang on.

     When tempted by easier roads, refuse to compromise—soldier on.

     Do not let fatigue or criticism force you to resign—re-sign and work on!

     I remember you are weak—remember I am strong, and you will make it.

Forward look is the celebration of beautiful paradise, the infinite triumph.  

     Discouraged? You are headed for a sinless, deathless, painless place.   

     Disappointed by false advertising? Heaven is not too good to be true.

     Disillusioned by fleeting pleasures? Heaven is not too good to last.

     One day, in eternity, you will join saints and angels in celestial hallelujahs.

     Until then—today, in time, praise Me with clay hallelujahs.

© Pastor Johnny R. Almond       Day 340, Gentle Whispers from Eternity

Posted by: Pastor Almond AT 09:17 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Monday, January 29 2024

                   Sallman Head of Christ

         Magnificent Obsession 

Christ is all that matters, and he lives in all of us.
                     Colossians 3:11 NLT


Live victoriously—celebrate My greatness.
     I died to defeat sin; I arose to resurrect you to a new life.
     Because I rose from the dead, I can raise you above evil ways.
     Victorious over death and sin, march in heaven’s triumphal procession.
     Keep up your enthusiasm for My work—it is never a waste of time.
     One of My resurrection people, let nothing in the world get you down.


Think vertically—anticipate My glory.
     Searching for a better approach to life than dying with the most toys?
     Set your heart on a place moths, rust, and thieves can never touch.
     Do not be so preoccupied with things you forget your destination.
     Do not wring your hands in worry—fold them in worship.
     Walk steadily toward heaven’s gate—soon we will be face to face.
     One of My redeemed people, count on My dream coming true.


Behave virtuously—manifest My goodness.
     Making the journey from earth to heaven, watch your step.
     Run from sexual sin—look for an exit when temptation corners you.
     Learn to be content—avoid greed by gratitude.
     Get rid of road rage—be considerate of fellow travelers.
     Avoid slander, lies, and dirty language—tell the truth lovingly.
     Change your wardrobe—throw away filthy rags of your old nature.
     Rely on My Presence in your heart, and be changed from inside out.
     Make Me your Center of Gravity, and your actions will be transformed.
     Make a conscious effort to be like Me—one day you will see My smile.
     One of My righteous people, strive to be holy and faultless in My eyes.


Serve valiantly—depend on My grace.
     Rejoice at the privilege of serving Me—whistle while you work.
     Remember I am your Boss—do quality work in My Name.
     You are accountable to Me—do not worry about what others think.
     One of My representative people, always do your best to honor Me. 

© Pastor Johnny R. Almond                  Day 347, Gentle Whispers from Eternity

Posted by: Pastor Almond AT 10:47 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email

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    Hull's Memorial Baptist Church
    420 Enon Road | Fredericksburg, VA 22406 | PH: 540.371.4124