Choose a good reputation over great riches,
for being held in high esteem is better than having silver or gold.
Choose reverence, not egotism—gain a reputation for godliness.
If you were self-made, that would relieve Me of a great responsibility!
No matter what others do, make the personal choice to serve Jehovah.
Choose carefulness, not carelessness—gain a reputation for prudence.
See the “bridge-out” sign; take precautions, or you will be sorry.
Watch your step—a roaring lion is on the prowl for victims to shred.
Choose worship, not arrogance—gain a reputation for humility.
Fear Me, then you will not have to fear disgrace or death.
Draw close and I will be real to you; honor Me and I will honor you.
Choose generosity, not stinginess—gain a reputation for compassion.
Feed the poor, for someday your stomach may be growling in hunger.
Scatter seeds of kindness everywhere and the harvest will be joyful.
Choose purity, not lust—gain a reputation for fidelity.
Run from temptation—never saunter through hell’s red light district.
Shun pornography and all sexual sin—do not desecrate My sanctuary!
Choose trust, not doubt—gain a reputation for faith.
Lean your complete personality on Me in absolute confidence.
Then My power, wisdom, and goodness will see you through anything.
Choose calm, not anger—gain a reputation for peacemaking.
Avoid short-tempered fools—run with dogs, and you will get their fleas.
Troublemakers are the Devil’s children; peacemakers are Mine.
A sterling reputation is better than winning the lottery.
A good name is more valuable than money invested in the bank.
Choose wisely—and you will earn a choice reputation.

(c) Pastor Johnny R. Almond
Day 255, Gentle Whispers from Eternity