Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world,
but let God transform you into a new person
by changing the way you think.
Romans 12:2 NLT
Think purposefully—begin each day with the end in mind.
Make it your habit—your daily aim—to live a lifestyle that honors Me.
Stay in step with My mission—testify to Love to all who will listen.
Aim at nothing and you will hit it—target noble goals and find success.
In view of all I have done for you, surrender to Me as a living sacrifice.
When you grow weary, gaze again at My cross—and struggle on.
If your mind is dedicated, your blessing will be sure.
Think of paradise—keep in mind the future is as bright as My promises.
Let heaven permeate your thoughts—live in celestial anticipation.
Your final address is a mansion—look forward to eventual triumph.
Do not be preoccupied with things—look ahead, not just around.
Do not wring your hands in panic—look up, not just out.
Do not be trapped by earthly cares—look forward, not just inward.
If your mind is determined, your soul will be saved.
Think purely—consecrate yourself to live a holy life.
Fill your mind with trash, and you will live in a garbage dump.
Fill your mind with truth, and live in grand and glorious splendor.
Think wrong, and you will live wickedly; think right and live rightly.
Let My Holy Spirit bring about a metamorphosis from the inside out.
If your mind is disciplined, your body will be sanctified.
Think after Christ’s pattern—live for others, not just for yourself.
Be a humble servant—maintain a Christlike attitude.
I did not seek to be waited on hand and foot—neither should you.
I condescended to be a servant—think you are too good for that?
Be thoughtful of others’ needs, and find life’s truest meaning.
If your mind is devoted, your heart will be satisfied.

© Pastor Johnny R Almond Day 336, Gentle Whispers from Eternity