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and my salvation—
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The Lord is my light and my salvation--so why should I be afraid?
Psalm 27:1a NLT
The light of courage dispels the darkness of cowardice. Faith is the antidote to fear’s poison. Fear Me and you need fear nothing else! Trust the Solid Rock in a quicksand world—I will never disappoint you. Stay close to My heart—change will not throw you. Rely on Me—storms will not dismay you. Build on Christ as your Foundation—be well.
The light of conquest dispels the darkness of defeatism. The dark side cannot vanquish the trusting heart, because I am the Victor. I am your Strength, so do not let anything Satan hurls at you scare you. Jesus plus any problem equals victory. Hide in Me, your Fortress—win.
The light of communion dispels the darkness of self-centeredness. I am your Salvation, so you can be satisfied in all circumstances. Happiness comes and goes, but joy stays. I am your Felicity—worship.
The light of companionship dispels the darkness of loneliness. I am your Song, so you do not have to be sad and down-in-the-mouth. In the hymn “Wonderful, Wonderful Jesus,” Anna Russell reveals an unfailing source of music: “There is never a day so dreary, .never a night so long, but the soul trusting Jesus will somewhere find a song.” I am your Friend—enjoy My welcome.
The light of counsel dispels the darkness of ignorance. My guidance may seem slow in coming, but is a reliable light to guide your way. Live more by faith, less by sight. Use faith eyes to see invisible realities. I am your Father—live by My wisdom.
The light of confidence dispels the darkness of pessimism. There is Light beyond light at the end of the tunnel of despair—and it is not the headlight of an approaching train. No matter how depressing current events get, you can look forward to My promised tomorrow. The future is as bright as My promises. I am your Future—just wait!
A new day is dawning. You can choose to be anxious about it, or you can choose to be enthusiastic about it. How you choose will determine how your day goes. Gaze reverently on the cross—it shines as a plus sign dispelling all darkness.
Do not reclaim unnecessary lost baggage of fear, negativism, egocentricity, melancholy, conceit, and despair—now is the perfect time to lose your luggage. Walk as a child of the Light—travel light!

© Pastor Johnny R. Almond Day 201, Gentle Whispers from Eternity