black hole - Hubble Telescope image
They think the whole world revolves around them!
Rabbi Hillel asked a good question in Ethics of the Fathers:
“If I am only for myself, who am I?”
Selfishness runs counter to My will, and isolates you from others.
The earth is not the center of the universe—the Eternal One is.
Earthly-mindedness is limiting and worrisome.
Go about your business, ignoring Mine, and you will go spiritually bankrupt.
The sun is not the center of the universe—the Son of God is.
The Light of the World illuminates the Way to the Truth of Life.
The Sun of Righteousness holds everything together, including you.
The north star is not the center of the universe—the Bright Morning Star is.
The Creator of the cosmos directs the traffic patterns of the galaxies.
The Star-Maker inspires hope in the darkest night of your soul.
You are not the center of the universe—I am.
Self-centeredness is laughable and sinful.
Egocentricity breeds lust, impurity, greed, idolatry, anger, and slander.
Egomaniacs eventually self-destruct—they love themselves to death.
Arrogant enough to take a do-it-yourself approach to life?
Self-righteous to the point of taking center stage and claiming holiness?
Convinced you are strong enough to handle any problem you may face?
Smart enough to figure out all the enigmas of the world?
Bragging you have it made, the world wrapped around your finger?
Christ-centeredness alone is eternally significant.
Find a nobler purpose—honoring your Savior in all you do.
Enjoy greater pleasure—celebrating the joy of His company.
Experience higher power—surviving difficulties by His grace.
Celebrate greater purity—thinking your Master’s thoughts.
Live His way—beyond yourself.

(c) Pastor Johnny R. Almond
Day 288, Gentle Whispers from Eternity