Thus says the LORD of hosts:
“Look! I will break the bow of Elam, the main element of their strength.”
I destroyed Elam’s “atomic bomb”—the thing they trusted in most.
They felt invulnerable, immune to being hurt—they were dead wrong.
It is the same with all nations—strutting across history’s stage leads to a fall.
I hate pride more than anything else; My fury targets and attacks it.
Self-sufficiency inevitably fails—I am the Only Reliable Homeland Security.
Trusting in military might?
I took Elam’s weapon of choice and broke it over My knee.
I will snap spears in two and burn chariots with fire,
bringing an end to all combat ravaging the earth.
Strategies of superpowers will not succeed without My blessing.
Nations depending on armies to save them are misplacing their trust—
only God of the Angel Armies can offer true protection.
Trusting in your own wisdom?
That is not wise because human scholarship is flawed and limited.
Smart-alecks have more to learn than they can possibly imagine.
To mature in understanding, mine the timeless wisdom found in Christ.
Trusting in your physical strength?
I alone never faint or tire; I alone can energize the worn out.
Even young athletes become exhausted and quit the race;
but those who seek Me discover fresh strength to continue.
In My grace, you can accomplish what self-sufficiency never can—
soar higher than mediocrity, run faster than temptation,
and walk farther than faintheartedness.
Trusting in your riches?
If you are not banking on eternal wealth, you will go bankrupt.
If you are not investing in spiritual treasures, you will miss heaven’s best.
At death, you will leave all behind except the wealth of your character.
America says it trusts God; here is the critical question—do you?
You cannot speak for all the country, but you can get a word in for Me.
You cannot choose for the entire nation, but you can decide for Me.
You can depend on Me—so never declare your independence from Me.

(c) Pastor Johnny R. Almond
Day 279, Gentle Whispers from Eternity