Your eyes will see the king in all his splendor, and you will see a land that stretches into the distance.
You will see Zion as a place of worship and celebration. You will see Jerusalem a city quiet and secure.
ISAIAH 33:17, 20
Earth’s rulers are only human, so moral darkness encircles the globe.
One day you will see the King of kings in His majesty and beauty.
There is Light at the end of the tunnel.
There is a far nobler use of life than pursuing personal ambition.
Egocentricity is a dead-end street; selfishness shrivels the soul.
There is purpose after the death of self-centeredness.
Sin tantalizes, then breaks your heart; pleasures lure, but do not last.
Take the long view—look forward to joys that will last forever.
There is bliss after the end of the world.
Peace and quiet are elusive dreams in your current experience.
One day you will feast your eyes on new Jerusalem—City of Peace.
There is calm after the storm.
Life, you know, is fragile—fearful insecurity defines the human situation.
Death, grief, heartache, and pain will be obsolete in the new world.
There is safety after the termination of crime.
Does it seem to you that some people get away with murder?
Over the horizon, a holy holocaust is starting to blaze up.
There is fairness at the end of the day.
Christ’s glorious kingdom will outshine any empire the world has known.
In fact, the nations will bask in His favor and honor Him above all else.
There is paradise beyond the stars.
Though you do not see your Savior now, you certainly will one day.
No longer harassed by sin and death, you will celebrate eternal victory.
There is a heavenly reward at faith’s finish line

(c) Pastor Johnny R. Almond
Day 271, Gentle Whispers from Eternity