This is the day the LORD has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it.
PSALM 118:24 NLT
Rejoice in My foundation of trust.
Whatever courses other people may take today, nestle near your Shepherd’s heart.
Sing the melody of grace notes I composed on your heart’s keyboard.
Do not wait another day to celebrate grace—never postpone joy!
My undisturbed peace is the joy of your heart.
Heaven helping you, I am your Cornerstone.
Rejoice in My faithfulness over time.
Whatever changes may happen in your life today, be certain I will not vary.
I Will Always Be Who I Have Always Been—you can be sure of that.
I love you no less today than yesterday—tomorrow will not change that.
My unvarying Providence is the joy of your heart.
Heaven instructing you, I am your Compass.
Rejoice in My fearlessness in trouble.
Whatever catastrophes may happen in your life today, rely on My protection.
I promise never to abandon you as an orphan in life’s storms—relax.
Humans cannot defeat the Almighty; mortals cannot conquer the Immortal.
My unfailing protection is the joy of your heart.
Heaven reassuring you, I am your Courage.
Rejoice in My fortress in trials.
Whatever consternation may attack your mind today, trust your Shepherd.
Small faith takes you up to heaven; great faith brings heaven down to you.
My unruffled poise is the joy of your heart.
Heaven invigorating you, I am your Confidence.
Rejoice in My festival of triumph.
Whatever confusion may swirl around you today, focus on rejoicing.
Sing every heartbeat; pray every hour; dance every step.
When should you get over blessing Me? Never!
My unending praise is the joy of your heart.
Heaven inspiring you, I am your Cheerfulness.

(c) Pastor Johnny R. Almond
Day 240, Gentle Whispers from Eternity