Albrecht Durer Praying Hands
In return for my friendship they denounce me, and all I can do is pray!
I am the One and Only God—your Only Recourse in effective prayer.
No matter how sweetly you treat some people, it does not change them.
You would be kind, but they would kill.
When all you can do is pray, seek My wisdom to know how.
I am the Omniscient God—able to execute retributive payback.
You do not live under the old covenant, where vengeance ruled.
You live under the new covenant, where getting even gives way to love.
Pray for those out to get you—shine sunlight on the ill-intentioned.
I alone will set the record straight—I alone am unerringly fair.
When all you can do is pray, trust that I will make justice prevail.
I am the Omnipotent God—able to reinvigorate you with power.
In My faithful love, I energize you to keep on keeping on.
When you are broken-hearted, I heal your soul’s diseases.
When you are weak-kneed, I encourage you for the hard tasks.
People shake their heads at you; I smile on you, the apple of My eye.
Others curse, but I bless—critics’ barbs will boomerang.
I will mute opponents’ jeers by My everlasting joys.
My supernatural might works best in your human weakness.
You are never stronger than when you are relying on Me.
You are never greater than when you are on your knees.
When all you can do is pray, feel your weakness become strength.
I am the Omnipresent God—able to teach you how to sing for joy.
Others may slander you, but I stand at your side.
I am the Paraclete—forever faithful, called alongside to help you.
I am your Greatest Friend, no matter how others mistreat you.
However chaotic life gets, come to rest in My gentle grace.
No matter what happens, find a reason to be thankful.
Never, never, never stifle the Holy Spirit!
To know the heartbeat and happiness of worship—keep praying.
When all you can do is pray, believe that is enough.

(c) Pastor Johnny R. Almond
Day 235, Gentle Whispers from Eternity