Golden Sunrise
From where the sun rises to where it sets, you inspire shouts of joy.
Psalm 65:8b NLT
Prayer is your highest expectation.
Around the globe, people approach the Sun of Righteousness in faith.
East to West, the Name of Jesus, King of kings, is the world’s hope.
Celebrate universal search.
My pardon is your greatest elation.
I am merciful and gracious to the repentant, broken heart.
I have removed your sins infinitely from My awareness.
Celebrate unmerited salvation.
My Providence is your humblest election.
Marvel at My choice to bring you near My heart.
Early morning and late evening, I never doze; I keep a constant eye on you.
Celebrate unimaginable selection.
My power is your strongest energy.
Your help originates from the Constellation Designer—I can handle it all.
My heart understands you—My might stands under you.
Celebrate unequaled strength.
My peace is your sweetest enjoyment.
I quiet high seas—I calm your restless, pounding heart.
There is no need to ever be afraid of anything—trust Me.
Celebrate undisturbed serenity.
My provision is your fullest enrichment.
At sunrise, humbly bow your knees and say please.
At sunset, gratefully bow your head and say thanks.
Celebrate unlimited supply.
My praise is your purest ecstasy.
I am Everything You Ever Really Need in life.
Dawn to dusk, find inspiration in Me.
Celebrate unending song.
© Pastor Johnny R. Almond
Day 216, Gentle Whispers from Eternity