Listen to my voice in the morning, Lord.
Each morning I bring my requests to you and wait expectantly.
Psalm 5:3 NLT
Good morning! This is a good time for you to praise Me. I watched over you and kept you safe through night’s refreshing sleep. My Spirit sang a lullaby to your heart—now I am your wake-up call. My compassions are new every morning. My faithfulness never fails. My mercy is infinite. In the morning—first thing when you awake—as the last thing you did before you closed your eyes in sleep, celebrate My love. Let prayer be the key to lock the night, and the key to open the morning. Morning is good—worship Me.
Good morning! This is a good time for you to petition My throne. Let Me know what troubles your heart, thank Me for answers to prayer, and I will bless you with peace beyond description or analysis or comprehension. Anxiety and doubt melt away on the holy ground beneath your knees. Morning is good—at My throne make all your wants and wishes known.
Good morning! This is a good time for you to exercise patience. Wait for Me—hope in My promises. Yearn for My Presence more than security guards long for the morning shift to relieve their tiring watch. Count on My Word. Morning is good—it is My waiting room.
Good morning! This is a good time for you to celebrate the sunrise of faith driving away fear’s night. Delightful daybreak drives away scary nightmares and dark depression. Though you weep through a long, dark night of the soul, joy will dawn. You may trudge through shadows of pain now, but you will dance in the glory of paradise in My good time. The return of the King will transform earth’s mourning into eternity’s morning. Morning is good—redefining the word wonderful.
Good morning! This is a good time for you to mark the beginning of a new day of your life. Recognize My guiding voice, renew your vow to be loyal to Me, and reshape your vision. In the dewy morning hours, rediscover Me as your Savior, Hiding Place, Song, and Center of Gravity. Morning is good—opening the windows of My love.
At daybreak lay your case before Me as your Defense Counsel. Resolve to keep your eyes on Me through every hour of this day. At sunset, you will have no cause to hang your head in shame—instead, you can celebrate the victories that began early in the morning.

© Pastor Johnny R. Almond, Day 193 Gentle Whispers from Eternity