People will come from east and west, and from north and south,
and sit down [feast at table] in the kingdom of God.
From here to eternity . . .
I give you time to prepare for My return, and to bear fruit for My cause.
The Gardener is giving you a chance to produce—do not disappoint Me.
If you want to be fruitful, stay close to My heart.
Today is the day of service—if you intend to be serious, now’s the time.
This is a limited-time offer—opportunities will not last forever.
In light of your accountability, make a conscious effort to please Me.
Purify your heart and give Me your best, to avoid being embarrassed.
If you’re not ready when the banquet begins, you’ll be filled with regret.
Behind the scenes . . .
Tiny seeds planted in human hearts are growing into trees of righteousness.
Yeast of positive influence is expanding and transforming lives of believers.
Those RSVPing yes to My invitation are enjoying the pleasure of My company.
The Great Reversal . . .
Now and then will make all the difference in the world—
beggars scrounging for scraps will be seated at the head table;
VIPs will be turned away from the heavenly banquet.
The new world I create will turn everything right side up for a change.
The meek – trampled on now by business tycoons – will inherit the earth.
Those despised by big shots will weep tears of joy as they feast with Me.
There’s a great day coming . . .
There is a lot wrong with the world now, but I will make everything right.
Disease and disability are common in a fallen world—evil hurts people.
The original source of illness is the evil one, but his days are numbered.
I am more powerful than the Devil or disease—My return will prove it.
When I reign as Sovereign over the new earth—
the blind will see the beauties of paradise restored;
the deaf will hear human voices and sounds of nature;
the lame will leap like a deer gamboling through a springtime meadow;
the mute will shout for joy and sing My praises;
heartache will be canceled forever by the gladness of heaven.
Abraham will be there – moving over, finally home.
Isaac will be there – enveloped by light, enjoying the perfect day.
Jacob will be there – wrestling done, celebrating the dawn.
Daniel will be there – prayers finished, reveling in My answer.
Believers from all countries will be there – speaking the language of love.
The festivities will never end
© Pastor Johnny R. Almond, Author Gentle Whispers from Eternity