This was quite a contrast to the former governors who had laid heavy burdens on the people,
demanding a daily ration of food and wine, besides a pound of silver. Even their assistants took advantage of the people.
But because of my fear of God, I did not act that way.
Nehemiah’s example of leadership challenges you to be a blessing, not a burden. His lifestyle inspires you to servanthood, not egocentricity.
Instead of taking advantage of others, you should love them as the Son of Man did. Since I am Lord over you, you ought never lord it over others.
I am not unfair—I will not forget how hard you work for Me and how you demonstrate your love for Me by caring for others. Walk in the fear of Me, and you will stand out from the crowd.
Some people may be surprised if you do not take advantage of position. The heart of such uncommon behavior is your belief in My sovereignty. The reason you behave as you do is your reverence for Almighty God.
Attitude toward Me and actions toward people are inextricably related. Internal faith and external life are intimately connected. Faith works. Knowing someday you will have to explain to Me all you have done powerfully impacts your actions today. Remembering I am your Boss influences the quality of your work.
Reverence Me, and you will make a conscious effort to do your best. Fear Me, and you will guard your tongue, turn from evil, and work hard at living at peace with your neighbors. Humility in My Presence will influence all you think, say, and do.
Worship Me with all you are and do. I am a Consuming Fire—let My Holy Spirit set your heart ablaze and melt the lead in your feet! Confess your personal faith. In your own words, tell the world you are trusting Me with your entire life and your eternal future. Let your beliefs grow deep into your soul. Develop convictions that carry you around, not just opinions you carry around. Submit to My Holy Spirit, and let Me sculpt your character into Christ’s likeness. This is My dream for you—let it be yours.
In your conduct, preach a sermon testifying of the change coming over you by My work in your heart. Connect your faith and life!

(c) Pastor Johnny R. Almond
Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity