If you keep still, deliverance and rescue for the Jews will originate from some other quarter, while you and your family shall be destroyed.
And who knows but you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?
Esther 4:14 NLT
I am the Master of moments—My pattern is shown in sovereignty. I sometimes work miracles anonymously. Although My Name is not mentioned in the book of Esther, I am behind the scenes of events, directing the drama.
I am the Savior of sinners—My purpose and plan is to save. I sent Joseph ahead of his nation to rescue their lives, and I worked through Esther to save the Jews. Those long ago and far away stories are being retold today when people share how I changed their direction, replaced their despair with hope, and changed their panic to peace.
I am the Lord of Life—your part in the great drama of redemption is to speak. I make a time for everything, a season for every activity, a time to be silent, and a time to speak up. Pray for wisdom to understand the proper timing to give voice to your convictions. Be sensitive to the urgency of joyfully and boldly praising Me for the miracles you have seen. Be humble enough to realize you are not indispensable. If you should choose to stay quiet, the stones would burst into cheers in My honor!
I placed Esther in a royal position to be My means of blessing. I place believers in royal positions—chosen people, royal priesthood, and holy nation—for the purpose of shining My light into earth’s darkness. In your home, workplace, neighborhood, and nation—you are a king, queen, prince, or princess I can use to work miracles in your world.
Your place in time is not accidental—it is because of the Almighty’s timing. Your responsibilities are not the result of good luck—they are orchestrated by your Good Lord. Your circumstances are not coincidental—they are providential. In My blueprint for you, you are not a lifeless puppet on a string. Like Me, you have a heart, a mind, and a will. You can feel deeply, think things through, and choose wisely. You could decide to observe My miracles and be mute—the better choice is to praise Me with your lips and your life.
I give you this day—make every hour count for eternity. Seize the moment!

© 2013 Johnny R. Almond
Pastor, Hull’s Memorial Baptist Church
Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity