When You Think You Have It Made
When Rehoboam was firmly established and strong, he abandoned the law of the Lord.
2 Chronicles 12:1 NLT
Rehoboam’s reign mirrors your own life. In him, you see your attitudes and predispositions. How easy it is for you to become intoxicated with your intelligence, take pride in your position, trust in your title, feel secure in your strength, and think humility is a virtue others need.
You are not as skilled at brinkmanship as you think. Feel you do not have limits? Strike out on your own, and you will find out the hard way. Arrogance makes you feel invulnerable, at the same time making you more vulnerable. Conceit makes you strut, weakening your armor and leaving you open for attack.
The greatest possible tragedy is that you would abandon My law. Think you are a law to yourself? Ready to attempt self-government? That would be moral suicide. Surrender to Christ as King of your heart—and you will inherit all the treasures I have in store for Him. Subject yourself to the world’s god, and you will discover it is much harder not to follow Christ.
Slavery to Satan kills joy, steals enthusiasm, and destroys influence. I am the Liberator who binds with chains of love—My yoke is easier than the evil one’s addiction, My burden is lighter than legalism’s obsession, and My freedom is better than the tyranny imposed by the dark prince. Take My Word for it!
Realizing your inherent tendency to transgress and rebel, considering the awful possibility of apostasy—humble yourself in My Sovereign Presence. Keep on the alert for vicious attacks from the Devil. He would like nothing better than to tear you limb from limb, then take pleasure in your pain. In My strength, stand your ground against him. Resist his wicked suggestions, and he will leave. Then you can throw a victory party.
Set your heart on walking with Me. You are maturing in faith, but you are not above sin. You are growing stronger, but you are not as strong as you think. John Bunyan got it right in The Pilgrim’s Progress: “He that is down, need fear no fall; he that is low, no pride; he that is humble ever shall have God to be his guide.”
The meek, not VIPs—inherit paradise. The wise, not sophisticates—share My reign. The humble, not entertainment superstars—shine in glory.
Advance My eternal kingdom, not your ephemeral one; rely on My almighty power, not your puny strength; honor Me, do not call attention to yourself—then you will forever have it made!
© 2013 Johnny R. Almond
Pastor, Hull’s Memorial Baptist Church
Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity [this devotion Day 171]