Search for the Lord and keep on searching.
1 Chronicles 16:11 NLT
Our relationship is your most serious business—a lifelong quest extending across time into eternity. Earnestly yearn for My Presence—I will reward you richly and forever.
Life’s noblest quest is walking in the footsteps of Jesus. Cry out to your Savior to rescue you from evil. Look to Me to pardon sins—confess wrongs and be honest and transparent before Me. Desire Forever Love in a fickle world. Seek My mercy, and I will cleanse your heart and revitalize you to travel the high road.
Life’s noblest quest connects you to the Only True Superpower. Recognize your frailty—look to Almighty God to find what you will never find in yourself. My power makes trusting hearts secure and serene. Rely on Christ and you can survive any situation tomorrow may bring. I hold the universe—and you—together. Trust the Infinite One for help. Rely on the Earth Maker for courage. Exercise faith in Me—dream more than others think is practical!
Life’s noblest quest involves making a conscious effort to conform your life to My sweet and perfect way. Reverence the One and Only God above the world’s idols. False gods make nothing but trouble. I effortlessly spoke galaxies into existence—let nothing inferior to Me capture your allegiance. I can take the place of anything; nothing can take My place. Let My awesome splendor and majesty inspire your wholehearted devotion. Love Me with everything you are—emotions, personality, mind, energy—care more than others think wise!
Life’s noblest quest—a serious struggle for holiness—has My unfailing support. Inquire of the Omniscient God who understands you as your Friend. Trust in the Omnipotent God who stands under you as your Foundation. I have honored My covenant generation after generation—I always keep My commitment to you. Bring your worries to My throne—I care about you and take good care of you. There is something better than changeable happiness, based on happenings—invulnerable joy, based on My Holy Spirit. Rainy days and Mondays will not get you down if you make Me your Center of Gravity. When your strength is depleted, I carry you in My arms. Risk more than others think is safe!
Life’s noblest quest composes a symphony of praise. The Source of music inspires jubilant praise and thanksgiving. Sing My praises as you travel homeward. Revel in My love. Depend on My promises—expect more than others think is possible!

© 2013 Johnny R. Almond
Pastor, Hull’s Memorial Baptist Church
Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity