They worshiped worthless idols and became worthless themselves.
2 KINGS 17:15 NLT
They lived a “nothing” life and became “nothings.”
They followed vanity (false gods – falsehood, emptiness, and futility)
and they themselves and their prayers became false (empty and futile).
Despising their Deliverer, Israelites stubbornly traded worship of the True God for religious practices of pagan nations. Their “worship” involved shameful sexual perversions, relying on constellations rather than the Star Maker, sacrificing sons and daughters I gave them to a nightmarish fire god, flirting with demons straight out of hell! How far from My plan they wandered! My chosen people proved their intention to forsake Me—I proved My holiness by allowing their captivity. People become like what they worship.
If you worship idols, you become immoral and insane. Pay attention to the prophets I send your way, warning you of sad consequences of bowing your knees to false gods of the heart. Replicating the stupid mistake of the heathen in designing your own religion will only get you in trouble with your Creator. Thinking up your own ideas of what I am like will darken and confuse your mind. Worship the Immortal God—live forever in My house!
If you worship money, you become miserable and miserly. Devote yourself to Me—enjoy true riches!
If you worship mind, you become impersonal and insensitive. Remember Einstein’s advice: “We should take care not to make the intellect our god; it has powerful muscles but no personality.”
If you worship yourself, you become selfish and sinful. Transgression has an evil influence on you—your thoughts are tarnished, your soul agonizes in guilt, and your heart has trouble singing. When you do not stay near Me, life is empty.
If you worship God, you become good and gracious. Do not give your allegiance to worthless idols—trifles with no value, no good to anybody. All the world can offer you is insatiable lust for carnal pleasure, craving for possessions, and proud class consciousness. I offer heaven. I alone deserve praise and worship—all else is vanity.

© 2013 Johnny R. Almond
Pastor, Hull’s Memorial Baptist Church
Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity