Divine Hospitality
Let’s make a little room for him on the roof and furnish it with a bed, a table, a chair, and a lamp.
Then he will have a place to stay whenever he comes by.
2 Kings 4:10 NLT
I am your Shepherd—All You Ever Really Need in life. Since you have unlocked heaven’s treasure chest with faith’s key, personal relationship to the Infinite One guarantees plentiful resources. My supply standard is not your idea of enough, but My generous heart. I am your Host providing cordial reception, taking care of room and board—and more. I always welcome you and treat you as My honored guest.
You have Me to thank for shelter. Whatever your address, I am your Home. Because I am the Architect and Builder of your life, your home is fit for a King. I put a roof over your head in regal fashion. I am your Shelter in devastating high winds, Hiding Place in fearful thunderstorms, and High Ground in catastrophic flash floods.
You have Me to thank for sleep. After a tiring day of work, I let you rest in serene green meadows and sleep beside peaceful streams. My Spirit sings you to sleep with a lullaby of love, keeps you safe through the night, and wakes you up to a brand new day of possibility. Foxes have dens and birds have nests, but the Son of Man had no home of His own. Yet I always provide for you a comfortable bed at day’s end.
You have Me to thank for sustenance. I satisfy the hunger and thirst of all living things. I prepare a feast to renew your strength, in full view of your spiritual enemies. I set your table with far more than enough to keep body and soul together. I reserve a place at My table especially for you—there is no need to go hungry. Do not wring your hands about your next meal—today’s manna will be provided in the morning.
You have Me to thank for support. When life’s battle wears you out, I invite you to take a seat and relax. Your resting place will not always be an easy chair, and it will rarely be a recliner; sometimes it will be a straight-backed plain chair. But I promise to provide what you need right when you need it.
You have Me to thank for Scripture. My Word is a lamp in the lonely night to encourage you, and a flashlight to help you make your way through the dark world.
You live in a world that can be inhospitable, yet Love unfailingly accompanies you. Until you live forever with Me in My house, enjoy My perfect hospitality! I give you good things now—and I am saving the best for later.

© 2013 Johnny R. Almond
Pastor, Hull’s Memorial Baptist Church
Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity