That’s the Spirit!
By Pastor Johnny R. Almond
At that time the Spirit of the Lord came upon Jephthah.
Judges 11:29 NLT
I am the Spirit of love. When you let Me control your heart, I lead you to be caring. I am Love—I transform selfishness into sacrifice. “Who knows? Who cares? Why bother?” will never be your bumper sticker!
I am the Spirit of joy. When you let Me control your outlook, I make you cheerful. I transform pessimism into optimism. As your Commander in Chief, I grant you faith to thank Me in advance for the triumphs I will give. My cross is a plus sign nestled in a “V” for victory. Marching along in Christ’s victory parade, hold your head erect, confidently anticipating the bright future I promise.
I am the Spirit of peace. When you let Me control your mind, I produce an amazing, inexplicable calm. I transform panic into poise. Look earthly trouble squarely in the face, and in heavenly strength boldly say you are ready for anything life may throw at you.
I am the Spirit of patience. When you let Me guide your will, I keep you composed under pressure. I transform tumult into trust. No matter how stormy life’s sea gets, you can stay on an even keel with your Captain at the helm.
I am the Spirit of kindness. When you feel My emotions, you are courteous. I transform steel-heartedness into empathetic concern. Aware that everyone near you fights a hard battle, you are considerate.
I am the Spirit of goodness. When I shape your attitudes, you are compassionate. I transform grouchy stinginess into lavish service.
I am the Spirit of faithfulness. When I control your habits, I make you miraculously constant. I transform fickleness into fidelity.
I am the Spirit of gentleness. When I sculpt your personality, you become gracefully cordial. I transform rudeness into reasonableness.
I am the Spirit of self-discipline. Let Me manage your lifestyle, and you will be morally controlled. I transform thoughtless impulsiveness into true integrity.
You are My child—I guide you by My Holy Spirit. When you take charge, vices appear that are diametrically opposed to My virtues. Rise above sinful cravings and travel the high road! That’s the Spirit!
Johnny R. Almond
Pastor, Hull’s Memorial Baptist Church - Friends on a Journey of Faith
Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity—book available on Amazon
This devotional based on day 127 of Gentle Whispers from Eternity