Reverse evil—live!
Purge such evil from among you.
Deuteronomy 22:21 MLB
Our Heavenly Father knows us through and through. He is aware when we sincerely want to get rid of the evil in our life. He knows we struggle with addictions we would like to conquer and undesirable attitudes we would like to change.
If we are honest to God, we must admit that we brag sometimes, eat too much, sigh now and then, feel that we are a little better than others, get irritable when interrupted doing our thing, are impatient with people who do not quite measure up to our moral standard, choose selfishly, lack heartfelt compassion, and lose sleep worrying about contingencies.
God understands that we are imperfect. We really desire to do right, but in the course of pursuing perfection we are bombarded with wrong suggestions. Our sinful nature sabotages what we know is best. We are in a constant tug-of-war between the compelling desire God has given us to be Christlike and our inherited human nature to have it our way. We are never free from the civil war raging within between opposing forces of light and darkness. We tackle life’s noblest quest to be like our Savior, but miserable failures sidetrack us.
We sometimes grow weary of this life of contradictions—struggling with sin gets next to us. But we should never give up. Though we are far from perfect, God does not condemn us—any friend of His Son is a friend of His. Trusting Jesus, the Father does not judge us. Instead He views us through eyes of mercy.
If we keep giving in to our sinful urges, we will self-destruct—if we yield to God’s ennobling Holy Spirit, we will be freed from ravages of sin.
If we allow our nature to be in charge, we will be agitated—if we let the Spirit control us, we will enjoy serenity.
If we get preoccupied with trinket gods, we will be perpetually dissatisfied—if we let eternal treasures permeate our thoughts, we will be content.
If we strut in our accomplishments, we are in for a fall—if we glory in the Master’s cross, He will promote us to a glorious destiny.
If we go off on our own, we will ruin our life—if we nestle near God’s loving heart, we can rest assured.
If we rely on our power to conquer wickedness, we will fail—if we rely on supernatural power, we will celebrate expansive, exhilarating vitality.
In light of these contrasting consequences, it is the highest wisdom to let God execute sinful desires lurking within us and run from all sin.
Here’s heaven’s challenge—reverse evil and live!
Pastor Johnny R. Almond
Hull’s Memorial Baptist Church
Friends on a Journey of Faith