So be very careful to act exactly as God commands you. Don’t veer off to the right or the left. Walk straight down the road God commands so that you’ll have a good life and live a long time in the land that you’re about to possess.
Deuteronomy 5:33 THE MESSAGE
A trusting heart listens prayerfully to God’s laws, reads His Word very closely, and pays strict attention to timeless principles. Our ears must be open if we are to hear what our Lord has to say. Our heart must be open and receptive if we are to detect His voice.
A wise heart learns God’s rules, prioritizes study of the Book from Heaven, and reflects on the meaning of Christ’s teaching. Our mind must be open if we are to receive insight to interpret Scripture.
A committed heart lives by God’s Book. Not content with meditation only, the serious disciple obeys. Responding to our Lord’s instructions, we apply His Word to everyday life. When we translate orthodox beliefs into correct behavior, we write the finest translation of the Bible.
Sincere study of Scripture brings light into our dark world, wisdom into our searching mind, hope into our uncertain heart, life into your sagging spirit, and love into our relationships—provided we go beyond casual perusal and academic investigation to radical obedience. Here is the best Bible study plan: 1) read it over glacially; 2) think it through carefully; 3) pray it in earnestly; and 4) live it out practically. We prove our love by obeying Christ. He is present when we quote His lines.
Life is different from thinking about life. The relationships arena, not a philosophizing balcony, is where a heart for God is lived out. Fighting the good fight of faith is a far cry from donning spiritual armor and then awkwardly reclining in an easy chair.
Eons before we were born, God loved us and planned for us to ultimately become like Jesus. His Spirit charmed us to His heart. His compassion forgave our sin and made us His friend. He has charted a glorious destiny for us. We are His children, so He wants us to really enjoy life.
Even more than our personal happiness, our Father wants us to grow up. We are a subject in His Kingdom—and He expects us to live like it. To refine our character, God passes us through the crucible of tough times. Walking in Jesus’ steps is never easy—the path to glory is treacherous. Claiming to be acquainted with God, we are compelled to imitate Jesus’ lifestyle.
We are far from perfect—we need to keep practicing.
Johnny R. Almond
Pastor, Hull’s Memorial Baptist Church - Friends on a Journey of Faith
Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity—Scripture Personalized
This devotional based on day 94 of Gentle Whispers from Eternity