The Lord your God has blessed everything you have done and has watched your every step through this great wilderness. During these forty years, the Lord your God has been with you and provided for your every need so that you lacked nothing. Deuteronomy 2:7 NLT
If we let God take care of our fortune, we can look around in gratitude. God has blessed us in our work. Insight, intelligence, and income are all heaven’s gifts. Our ambition and ability do not ensure wealth—God is the One who empowers us to make money. When we sit down to pay our bills, we have two choices—complain because we owe a lot, or celebrate because God gives us enough money to pay our debts. It might be a good idea to designate one day a year to get griping out of our system, and use all the other days for heartfelt thanksgiving. The Lord has blessed us spiritually in our work. Opportunities to serve God are a sacred trust—so we should work conscientiously and cheerfully, keeping in mind who our Supervisor is. It is wise to keep a Master “to do” list and put our heart into the Master’s service.
If we let God take care of our food, we can look within in praise. Our Father has blessed us in our wants. Because He has cared for us, we have never gone hungry. God has blessed us generously in every way—spiritually, emotionally, domestically, physically. Desirable gifts cascade like a river from His heart of love. El Shaddai is the Enough One. Heaven’s well never runs dry, so our cup constantly overflows. It is rewarding to put our energy into the number one priority of His kingdom.
If we let God take care of our future, we can look up in faith. God has blessed us in our wandering—guiding us through life’s maze, testing our character to see if we are serious about obeying Him. As we have journeyed through a vast desert, God has watched over us all the way. We may sometimes feel we are going in circles; but we should remember that though the Holy Spirit sometimes leads us around, He never leads us astray. Our Lord is always thinking about us and concerned about what aggravates us. Wherever we have lived, God has loved us. The faith road is not always easy, but it leads to the promised land of purpose and serenity. There are battles to fight, but we do not have to freeze in fear—Jesus will engage in combat right alongside us until we march in a victory parade down heaven’s High Street.
f we let God take care of our forever, we can look forward in joy. God is our Greatest Blessing. He is our Travel Companion every mile. He has made our heart His home and He will never move away.
Johnny R. Almond
Pastor, Hull’s Memorial Baptist Church - Friends on a Journey of Faith
Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity—Scripture Personalized
This devotional based on day 93 of Gentle Whispers from Eternity
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