"You will know that the Lord has sent me to do all these things and that it was not my idea." (Numbers 16:28 NIV)
Our idea is prestige, but God has a better idea--purpose. By providential brush strokes, God is painting a masterpiece on the canvas of our circumstances to unveil His grace to the world. With heaven's help, we can put spiritual adolescence behind us, refuse to be treated as Egypt's adopted child, and grow up.
Our idea is sinning for pleasure's sake, but God has a better idea--suffering for His name's sake. It is foolish to revel in earth's transient thrills; it is the highest wisdom to travel the harder, higher path. Christ agonized for us, so we should agonize for Him.
Our idea is accumulating more stuff, but God has a better idea--investing in lasting treasures. Linking happiness to things is insane. Dividing allegiance between God and money is impossible.
Our idea is fear, but God has a better idea--faith. There is no need to tremble before the pharaoh of hell. We can exit Egypt and travel heavenward, persevering by focusing the eyes of our heart on the Invisible King. When storms rock our boat, we should not panic that we might drown--Jesus still hushes the sea to sleep and calms frazzled nerves. The Spirit Wind will guide us to a tranquil harbor.
Our idea is selfishness, but God has a better idea--serivce. To be a star for Jesus, we must be a servant. To truly live, we must give.
Our idea is comfort, but God has a better idea--a caring heart. Emulating Christ's example, we will live a life of love.
Our idea is carnality, but God has a better idea--Christlikeness. Hammer blows sculpt us into His image. Pain precedes perfection.
Our idea is materialism, but God has a better idea--mission. Regarding disgrace for the Messiah's sake of greater value than Nile stock, we strike out for the desert with our heart set on the Promised Land.
With all our mind, we should learn God's ideas. With all our soul, we should internalize God's ideas. With all our heart, we should value God's ideas. With all our strength, we should activate God's ideas.
If we let God think His thoughts through us, our ideas will begin to look a little bit like His.
Pastor Johnny R. Almond