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 Pastor's Blog 
Monday, August 12 2019

If you want to be my follower you must love me more than

your father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters –

yes, more than your own life. Otherwise, you cannot be my disciple.

You cannot be my disciple if you do not carry your own cross and follow me.

Count the cost. No one can become my disciple without giving up everything for me.

Luke 14:26-28a, 33 NLT

Sanctify your heart—consecrate your inner being to Me.

In grateful response to My mercy, love Me wholeheartedly.

Live passionately—prioritize My cause above earth’s trivial pursuits.

Live thoughtfully—ponder behavior, and reside in the moral highlands.

Live energetically—serve Me with all your strength and health.

Live creatively—allow Me to work through your unique personality.

Live loyally—make Me your Center of Gravity.

Live lovingly—adore Me with sincere affection nothing can kill.

Shoulder your cross—carry responsibilities willingly, without griping.

No difficulty or frustration begins to match the cross I carried for you.

Do not run from suffering—it is part of the landscape of obedience.

I endured excruciating pain for you—it is your turn to hang in there for Me.

There is only one way you can bear the cross I give you—grace.

Live unselfishly—put aside egocentric ambition and focus on others.

Live courageously—splinters from the cross should not surprise you.

Live nobly—follow my example; walk in My steps.

Surrender your life—count the cost of being My disciple.

Live for my glory—never seek your own.

Hold nothing back—renounce the idea of ownership.

Recognize My sovereignty—acknowledge that I rule and overrule all.

Be totally sincere in working for Me—take My business seriously.

Live humbly—do not be self-assertive; remember your place.

Live hopefully—practice downward mobility and I will promote you.

Live carefully—calculate the cost of obeying, and the higher cost of rebelling.

Live radically—give up everything for Me and finish the Faith Marathon.

© 2013 Pastor Johnny R. Almond, Day 317 Gentle Whispers from Eternity

Posted by: Pastor Almond AT 01:28 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Tuesday, August 06 2019

Rejoice in the Lord, O you [uncompromisingly] righteous [you upright in right standing with God];

for praise is becoming and appropriate for those who are upright [in heart.]


     Praise Me for musical celebration—let your heart sing because of My inspiring symphony. Let the rhythm of Life put a spring in your step. Confessing the name of Jesus, make it a habit to give Me the credit due for life’s blessings—let your speech honor Me. Praise Me for praise.  

     Praise Me for the message of Christ—let your heart sing because of invaluable salvation. Forgiven by his blood, strengthened by his grace, equipped to do his work by his strength, hopeful by his promises—tell love’s never-ending story to all who will listen. Praise Me for peace.    

     Praise Me for merciful clemency—let your heart sing because of incredible solace. Time after time, Israel’s high priests carried blood into the Most Holy Place as an offering for sin, and then burned the bodies outside the city limits. The Great High Priest himself became the definitive offering for sin—dying on a cross outside Jerusalem’s gates. His blood is the final evidence of My love.  Praise Me for pardon.

     Praise Me for magnificent creation—let your heart sing because of the inspiration of nature. First believe, then understand this truth—I made the universe out of nothing! Praise Me for perfection. 

     Praise Me for My mastery of countries—let your heart sing because of My international supervision. The best country is yet to come. Praise Me for something greater than patriotism. 

     Praise Me for My mindful concern—let your heart sing because of My intimate solicitude. I made you, understand you, and care for you. I will never orphan you in life’s storms. Praise Me for Providence.         

     Praise Me for My mighty command—let your heart sing because of My infinite strength. Military forces sometimes deter aggression, but I am the true Superpower. Do not fear mere mortals; they can hurt, but they cannot destroy.  Praise Me for My power.

     Praise Me for being your Mainstay and Confidence—let your heart sing because of My invariable stability. Praise Me for permanence.

     Attitude determines your living. Even in dungeons, I inspire hymns.    Other prisoners will be listening—be sure to sing well!

© Pastor Johnny R. Almond, Gentle Whispers from Eternity

Posted by: AT 10:25 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Monday, July 29 2019

God will redeem me from the power of Sheol (the place of the dead);
He will receive me. Selah [pause, and calmly think of that]!

     You cannot stare directly for long at the sun or at death—the first would blind you; the second would overwhelm you. Nevertheless, I encourage you to pause and ponder a moment your human mortality and My promise of immortality. 

     Trusting in fleeting riches is deceitful. Money cannot buy time. Neither can it compare to spiritual wealth. When you die, you will leave everything behind;    but who you are is yours forever. Be careful what you become—invest in heavenly treasures that thieves cannot steal, rust cannot corrupt, and moths cannot destroy. Set your heart on eternity. Make Me your highest joy.

     Triumph in My faithful redemption and deliverance from death. What I promised Israel I promise you—I will ransom you from death, and redeem you from the power of the grave. 

     By faith, you can look death squarely in the face, and exultantly proclaim Where, O death is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting? Thanks be to God, who gives me victory through the Lord Jesus Christ. The philosopher Heidegger spoke of the inevitability of nonbeing,  implying people eventually cease to exist. Do not believe such gibberish. You are a creation of the Immortal One—sculpted in My image, you will continue to exist as long as I do! You can overcome fear of      the awful enemy of death by trusting My Son who rose triumphantly.

     Travel optimistically toward the future of rejoicing I have planned. I am leading you toward a glorious destiny—immortality and heaven! Each step you take brings you one step closer to home. Chardin conceptualized an Omega Point—             a singularity in time of infinite density and temperature, toward which the universe will collapse in a backward Big Bang he called the Big Crunch,          an implosion with enough energy to bring back to virtual life all creatures that ever lived. Jesus does not just philosophize—He promises that all the dead in their graves will hear his voice and will rise again, some to enjoy eternal life, others to endure agonizing separation from good. The Alpha and Omega is the ultimate answer to a grave situation—I show you the path of life, bless you with pleasure of My company, and will greet and embrace you in heaven.    You are not in a funeral procession to oblivion, but a victory parade to glory! 

© Pastor Johnny R. Almond;  Gentle Whispers from Eternity

Posted by: Pastor Almond AT 09:54 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Monday, July 15 2019

This message was kept secret for centuries and generations past, but now it has been revealed to his own holy people. 
This is the secret: Christ lives in you, your assurance you will share in his glory.

Colossians 1:26-27 NLT

Christ’s promise in your mind is your hope of an eternal destiny of joy.

Christ’s love in your heart is your guarantee of a heavenly home.

Christ’s Spirit in your soul is your security you are bound for glory. 

Christ’s presence in your life is your foretaste of glory divine. 

The universe with its innumerable galaxies cannot contain Me—

     yet I have taken up residence in hearts of all who welcome Me.

Because I live in you—

     you can count on inheriting the blessing of sharing in My glorious reign; 

     you have been rescued from the dark side, and live as a child of the Light;

     you have been made a privileged citizen of My eternal Kingdom;

     you have been freed from sin’s addiction and destructiveness;

     you have been forgiven of sin’s guilt, and can face eternity fearlessly.

Certainty of eternal life is not based on doubtful faith, but trusting reliance. 

Promised glory is not mere wishful thinking—My promises will materialize. 

Your ultimate destination is a land beyond time, change and decay.

     Heaven on earth will be a deathless, tearless, painless, sinless place.

Looking forward to the ecstasy of infinite glory,

     you are motivated by a changed purpose—Christ, not yourself;

     you anticipate a changed destiny—heaven, not hell;

     you demonstrate a changed lifestyle—holiness, not wickedness.

Identified with Christ, you are victorious over sin and death now;

     and you are destined for unimaginable glory someday—

     more beautiful than any painting can picture,

     more joyous than any symphony can convey,

     more magnificent than any literature can describe.  

Roman generals returning from victory were greeted by a great procession

     lining streets and cheering, vanquished troops marching in chains,

     strange animals brought from subjugated lands, musicians and singers    

     celebrating conquests, his children robed in white riding trace horses,

     a slave riding with him in his chariot holding a crown for him

     and whispering in his ear, “All glory is fleeting.” And so it is. 

The one exception is Christ’s glory awaiting you—it is not too good to last.

An eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison will reward your faith. 

© Pastor Johnny R. Almond, Gentle Whispers from Eternity

Posted by: Pastor Almond AT 11:25 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Wednesday, July 10 2019

To you, O Lord, I lift up my soul.

Psalm 25:1 ESV

     I am the Most High God—Ruler of the universe, God above all,   King of kings and Lord of lords. No judge is greater than Me—      when you rest your case in heaven’s supreme court, no lesser court can overturn My ruling. When you sin, My Son pleads your case as your Defense Counsel.  My not guilty verdict is irreversible. 

     No commander outranks Me— when you follow My orders, you are following the best strategy to win life’s battles. When dark forces attack, they cannot extinguish the Light. 

     No force can overpower Me—so when you depend on My strength, you are energized and encouraged to tackle life’s challenges. Faith transforms impossible situations. Nothing is beyond My power— receive My help and you can do whatever I ask of you.

     Lifting up your soul to Me is your most uplifting experience.  In My Presence, you are as high as you can be. When you lift up your soul to Me, I lift you up. Finding Me is an uplifting experience. I am your Vindication—the Beginning of the journey.

     Leaning on Me guarantees your triumph. Faith in Me is an uplifting experience. Trust Me and enjoy peace of mind. I am your Victory—   the Beauty of the journey.

     Learning from Me educates you in truth. Familiarity with Me is an uplifting experience. Obey Me and I will make Myself real to you. I am your Vision—the Best of the journey.

     Loved by Me, you are changed. Forgiveness is an uplifting experience.      I am the Secret of invulnerable joy. Unfailing Love sustains you every heartbeat. Mercy holds you together. I am your Vitality—the Blessing of the journey.   

     Lift up your soul to Me—loving God, ruling King, merciful Sacrifice.  Then you will experience life’s highest possible joy!

© Pastor Johnny R. Almond—Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity

Posted by: Pastor Almond AT 10:15 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Tuesday, July 02 2019

Praise God, who did not ignore my prayer

and did not withdraw his unfailing love from me.

Psalm 66:20 NLT

I have not rejected your prayer—I have responded to you.

When you confess your wrongdoing, I cleanse your soul.

When you cry out in desperation, I pay attention to your pain.

When you plead for help, I do not turn a deaf ear.

Prayer is always a local call—wherever you are, I can hear you.

Praise Me for an audience with the King.

I have not restricted your praise—I have released you.

You do not have to hide your faith as a secret disciple—breathe free.

You do not have to stifle your joy—sing My praises for the entire world.

I have made you genuinely rich by giving you a contented mind.

Praise Me for invulnerable joy greater than any earthly happiness.

I have not refused your pleas—I have reinforced you.

My awesome miracles on your behalf irrefutably prove My love.

Enemies of your soul, including the evil one, cringe at My power.

Trust in Me—and trouble will not get you down.

Stay close to Me—and the prince of the world will not conquer you.

Praise Me for supernatural assistance.

I have not removed your problems—I have refined you.

Adversity is My University—trust Me and pass the tests of your faith.

Low points teach you lessons you would never learn any other way.

The fiery crucible purges filth—trying floodwaters remove debris.

I defend in guilt, comfort in sorrow, and encourage in frustration.

Praise Me for being your Travel Companion on rough roads.

I have not renounced My promises—I have redeemed you.

My Son became a Sacrificial Lamb to buy your freedom from sin.

I keep all My promises to you—I am the God of My Word.

With all my heart, I love you—love Me the same way.

Praise Me for the honor of serving the God of Truth and Love.

© Pastor Johnny R. Almond, Day 217 Gentle Whispers from Eternity

Posted by: Pastor Almond AT 02:50 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Monday, June 24 2019

Listen to my voice in the morning, Lord.

Each morning I bring my requests to you and wait expectantly.

Psalm 5:3 NLT

Good morning! This is a good time for you to praise Me. I watched over you and kept you safe through night’s refreshing sleep. My Spirit sang a lullaby to your heart—now I am your wake-up call. My compassions are new every morning. My faithfulness never fails. My mercy is infinite. In the morning—first thing when you awake—as the last thing you did before you closed your eyes in sleep, celebrate My love. Let prayer be the key to lock the night, and the key to open the morning. Morning is good—worship Me.


Good morning! This is a good time for you to petition My throne. Let Me know what troubles your heart, thank Me for answers to prayer, and I will bless you with peace beyond description or analysis or comprehension. Anxiety and doubt melt away on the holy ground beneath your knees. Morning is good—at My throne make all your wants and wishes known.

Good morning! This is a good time for you to exercise patience. Wait for Me—hope in My promises. Yearn for My Presence more than security guards long for the morning shift to relieve their tiring watch. Count on My Word. Morning is good—it is My waiting room.

Good morning! This is a good time for you to celebrate the sunrise of faith driving away fear’s night. Delightful daybreak drives away scary nightmares and dark depression. Though you weep through a long, dark night of the soul, joy will dawn. You may trudge through shadows of pain now, but you will dance in the glory of paradise in My good time. The return of the King will transform earth’s mourning into eternity’s morning. Morning is good—redefining the word wonderful.

Good morning! This is a good time for you to mark the beginning of a new day of your life. Recognize My guiding voice, renew your vow to be loyal to Me, and reshape your vision. In the dewy morning hours, rediscover Me as your Savior, Hiding Place, Song, and Center of Gravity. Morning is good—opening the windows of My love.

At daybreak lay your case before Me as your Defense Counsel. Resolve to keep your eyes on Me through every hour of this day. At sunset, you will have no cause to hang your head in shame—instead, you can celebrate the victories that began early in the morning.


© Pastor Johnny R. Almond, Day 193 Gentle Whispers from Eternity

Posted by: Pastor Almond AT 02:30 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Monday, June 17 2019

Then Job replied to the Lord:
“I know that you can do all things; no plan of yours can be thwarted.”
Job 42:1-2 NIV

The experience classroom is where you learn profound wisdom. The school of hard knocks presents a tough curriculum, but what you learn experientially alters you more than what you learn academically.

The first lesson you need to learn is that My power is unlimited. If you treat Me as Lord of your life, nothing I ask will be too hard for you to do. Humanly speaking, some challenges are outside the realm of possibility—     but within My realm of grace everything is possible.

Another reality you need to grasp is I have a plan for your life.  I orchestrate a master plan for your good. Death’s terror, life’s problems, demon’s distractions, and the future’s worries cannot kill My love. Pain sculpts you into Christ’s image, if you submit to the Sculptor. Through difficult circumstances, I teach you the principle of trust. In the valley, you learn lessons you would never learn on the mountain.

The truth you most need to know is the reality of My Presence. Hearing about Me secondhand is interesting; seeing Me for yourself is transforming.     I am your Travel Companion on the journey of life. My Spirit shines brightly in your darkest night. Follow My lead, and you cannot go wrong. Trust Me, and you will forever be glad you did.

You need to learn the value of intercessory prayer. Even after Job’s friends misjudged and harshly criticized him, he prayed for them. When people hurl accusations at you or question your motives, you may not feel like praying for them; but faith demands that you do. Jesus intercedes for you. Follow His example—be thoughtful of others’ needs.

Learn day-by-day the riches of My provision. I blessed Job in the autumn of his life more than in the spring. I will do the same for you. Everything you need—in every season of life—I will lavishly provide. Whatever happens, count on Me—everything will be fine.

Finally, you will learn the reward of My peace. Like the wine at Cana’s feast, I saved the best for last for Job. Double blessings after his ordeal confirmed My love. He persevered, so I caused a joyful outcome. Endure hard times, and I will bless you with lasting joy. Learn My lessons well—            then graduate from Adversity University with highest honors.

© Pastor Johnny R. Almond, Day 192 Gentle Whispers from Eternity

Posted by: AT 11:39 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Monday, June 03 2019

I am the way, the truth, and the life.
No one can come to the Father except through me.
John 14:6 NLT

I am the only Road that leads to the destination of glory.

Convicted of sin, do a repentant U-turn and travel the King’s Highway.

Challenged by righteousness, set out to be like your Sinless Savior.

Convinced of judgment, make a conscious effort to prepare yourself.

My death on the cross paved the highway to the Father’s future.

My blood on your soul marks you as a child of God He will not disown.

Follow the Way—and be confident of reaching heaven.

I am the only Reality that defines goodness.

Lied to by the dark prince, turn a deaf ear to his brainwashing.

Led by the Spirit of truth, listen well and learn life’s greatest lessons.

Loved by the One knowing you best, stay near and enjoy My company.

My light liberates you to sing for joy in the Father’s freedom.

My Spirit in your mind teaches you truth you would not learn otherwise.

Learn the Truth—and be changed for good from the inside out.

I am the only Redeemer who distributes grace.

Attacked by the evil one, do not forget that he is a hateful killjoy.

Attracted by the Holy Spirit, surrender and know life in all its fullness.

Approved by the Father, revel in His love and rest assured of heaven.

My promise guarantees the bright tomorrow of the Father’s festival.

My melody in your heart instructs you in faith’s dance of joy.

Celebrate the Life—and be cheerful in all circumstances.

I am the Way to the Truth of Life.

Your search for heaven, significance, and vitality ends in My heart.

© Pastor Johnny R. Almond, Day 323 Gentle Whispers from Eternity

Posted by: Pastor Almond AT 10:45 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Wednesday, May 29 2019

You are Yahweh, Most High over all the earth, far transcending all gods.

Psalm 97:9 TNJB

I am Most High over earth—exalt Me above false gods of the heart.

Idols are low-life—I am the Infinite High God.

Idols are deaf—I pay attention to every prayerful word.

Idols are heartless and insensitive—I care deeply about you.

Idols are blind—I am aware of every agony, attitude, and action.

Take the high road of eminent domain, not the low road of idolatry.

Surrender to My Transcendent Highness!


I am Most High over everything—understand that idolatry is insanity.

Decisions built on atheism construct a dead-end road.

Take the high road of enthusiastic devotion, not the low road of irreverence.

Submit in thoughtful homage!

I am Most High over ethics—live as a child of the Light.

Avoid shadows—do not scurry like a cockroach in dark corners.

Stay close to My heart and make Me the Tour Guide on your journey,

     then you will not be down-in-the-mouth for fear of being found out.

Take the high road of excellent determination, not the low road of iniquity.

Struggle on in My transforming holiness!

I am Most High over eternity—feel for people who are joyless.

Let your heart go out to those who do not worship Me—

     people who will one day sadly experience My wrath firsthand.

The other side of mercy’s coin has a cutting edge—there is hell to pay!

Take the high road of expectant deliverance, not the low road of incredulity.

See the terrifying hereafter!

I am Most High over ecstasy—honor My reign as King of the cosmos.

I am Lord of the universe—so all will ultimately be right with the world.

With very little to celebrate in your unbalanced world,

     here is a great reason to rejoice—I am redeeming you from sin.

Someday it will become crystal clear that I am absolutely right—

     and that I am earth’s Rightful Ruler.

Take the high road of exultant delight, not the low road of indifference.

Sing in triumphant happiness!

© Pastor Johnny R. Almond, Day 230 Gentle Whispers from Eternity

Posted by: Pastor Almond AT 09:01 am   |  Permalink   |  Email

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    Hull's Memorial Baptist Church
    420 Enon Road | Fredericksburg, VA 22406 | PH: 540.371.4124