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Hull's Memorial Baptist Church
 Pastor's Blog 
Monday, July 22 2024

Dawn of the Perfect Day

The Lamb will triumph, for He is Lord of lords and King of kings—

those with Him on His side are chosen, called [elected] and loyal and faithful followers.
Revelation 17:14 THE AMPLIFIED BIBLE


The Light will prevail over darkness.
     The prince of the dark side will be subdued by the Bright Morning Star.
     Shadows will be dispersed by the Sun of Righteousness.
     Without the Devil to bother, there will be nothing but the Deity to bless.
     Children of Light will revel in My radiance in an indescribable place.


The Lord will reign over death.
     Disease and death will be vanquished by the Great Physician.
     Heaven’s residents will experience nothing but the best of health.
     When the last enemy is abolished, saints will sing My praises forever.
     Faithful ones will delight in My dominion in the realm of immortal life.

The Lamb will win over the devil.
     Sedition will be silenced—the tempter will be trounced.
     Hallelujah will be the inspiring cadence of the King’s triumphal procession.
     When the fight is over and the battle won, the party will go on and on.
     Blood-washed ones will march in My parade celebrating infinite victory.

Laughter will resound above despair.
     Sadness will make a disorderly retreat when the Sovereign reigns.
     Happiness will be the order of the day—despair will never break hearts.
     When the tears are all wiped away, smiles will brighten glorified faces.
     Chosen ones will dance gleefully in My paradise of invulnerable joy.

Heaven’s lyrics will erase earth’s discouragement.
     Harmony will fill all movements of the Symphony to Unfailing Love.
     Sin’s nightmare will be replaced by My dream come true.
     Pandemonium past, the sun will never set on heaven’s perfection.
     Called ones will be merry in My wedding feast of inexpressible peace.


By Johnny R. Almond                       Day 363, Gentle Whispers from Eternity

Posted by: Pastor Almond AT 11:21 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Monday, July 08 2024


Dear friend, I am praying that all is well with you and that your body is as healthy
                                               as I know your soul is.

                                                           3 John 1:2 NLT

Hope heals the heart.      

     Trusting in the Prince of Peace eases the pain of dis-ease.
     Confidence in the Mighty God exorcises the demon of discouragement.
     Anticipating My promises materializing cures the sickness of despair.
     Listening to heaven’s future perfect tense melody encourages you now.
     Learn from Me and you will enjoy peaceful bliss found nowhere else.
     Relax—everything is going to be alright when I restore paradise.
          Persevere until you see Me face to face.
               I am your Vision.


Faith fortifies the soul.
     Reliance on the Wonderful Counselor overcomes the paralysis of worry.
     Standing on the Solid Rock is the antidote to the poison of fear.
     My life invigorates you spiritually as vitamins strengthen you physically.
     The psychosomatic connection is real—body and soul affect each other.
     Inner-being wellness enhances the wellness of your mind and body.
     When perplexities crowd your mind, My consolation cheers your soul.
          Pray as you go and you will survive and thrive in all difficulties.
               I am your Vitality.


Love lifts the spirit.
     Light beyond light conquers the darkness of depression.
     Joviality inspired by My Spirit cadence puts a spring in your step.
     When you are tired and near burnout, My Spirit refuels your resolve.
     Sin makes you sing the blues—My Spirit makes you tap your toes.
     A merry heart is the best medicine to counteract down-in-the-mouth days.
     Rejoicing in the Lord is unsurpassed, up-to-date therapy.
          Praise Me for traveling with you every mile of life’s journey.
               I am your Victory.


© By Pastor Johnny R. Almond                 Day 361. Gentle Whispers from Eternity

Posted by: Pastor Almond AT 12:12 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
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    Hull's Memorial Baptist Church
    420 Enon Road | Fredericksburg, VA 22406 | PH: 540.371.4124