Reciprocal Honor
© by Johnny R. Almond
I will honor only those who honor me.
1 Samuel 2:30 NLT
I have established a proportionate relationship between consecration and celebration—the nearer we are, the greater your joy. Stay close to Me, and I will stay close to you.
Prove you love Me by conscientiously and radically obeying Me, and I will be far more to you than a good idea or a noble ideal—I will be your Ultimate Reality and your Center of Gravity.
Focus on Me, and I will fill your heart with invulnerable joy, tranquility transcending circumstances, and contentment in inner-stances. Heaven’s bliss is unavailable on earthly markets. Nothing in the world comes close to the ecstasy of fellowship with God.
Listen to My hope melody, and I will transform despair into singing, sighing into praise, hunger into satisfaction, barrenness into birth, lethargy into exuberance, poverty into plenty, rags into royalty, defeat into victory, worry into confidence, and humiliation into honor.
Take My hand by faith, and I will teach you some new dance steps. Worship waltz will be your honor badge. The jig of joy will be your delight.
Pour your heart out to Me, and I will change you from inside out. Things around you may not change, but you will!
Rely on Me, and I will reinforce you with supernatural strength, so you can survive all situations and thrive in accomplishing My sweet will.
Be open to Me, and I will bless you to be a blessing to others.
Learn and live the principles of truth, and I will honor you by conferring on you the grand privilege of serving Me.
Keep trying to be like Jesus, and I will sculpt you into His likeness. I will keep working in you until My dream for you comes true.
Stay unflinchingly on My path until you attain the heavenly goal. Persevere through severity, focusing on Christ—I will get you safely home. Obey your Commander and win life’s battles. Listen to your Coach, and you will finish the Faith Marathon. Give your King undivided allegiance, and I will crown you with righteousness.
Reciprocal honor is the drumbeat of life—stay in step.
Pastor Johnny R. Almond
Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity
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