Samuel replied, “What is more pleasing to the Lord; your burnt offerings and sacrifices or your obedience?
Obedience is far better than sacrifice. Listening to him is much better than offering the fat of rams.”
1 Samuel 15:22 NLT
Submission surpasses sacrifices. I am far more delighted in passionate obedience to My will than any sacrifice you could ever make. Rituals without devotion are hollow—a waste of time. Hypocrisy is nothing more than play-acting—obedience is really all that matters. Dramatic productions may impress people, but theatrical religion does not amuse Me. Do as I say, and all will be well.
Humility is higher than haughtiness. You can never please Me by superficial externalities. Live in the holy land of the broken heart, and see My smile. Listen to gentle whispers from eternity, and hear My voice.
Right living exceeds rationalization. I am more pleased when you do what is fair and right, than by your tithing to make up for rebellion. You can never bribe Me into ignoring character flaws. Shaping up morally is far more critical than writing regular checks to your church.
Righteousness is better than rituals. Visiting the hospitalized and homebound, encouraging underdogs, defending orphans, and fighting for the rights of widows gains My approval—not just going through the motions of believing. Insincere ceremonies are ludicrous. Heartless church going is senseless. Faithless religion is hollow. Self-sacrifice is not the ticket to heaven—the Savior’s sacrifice is. The Sinless One made the only offering that can make us friends.
Obedience overshadows offerings. If you forget the reason behind your offerings, you are not honoring Me. I want lifelong service, not just money in the offering plate once a week.
Sensitivity is better than sacrifice. Knowing My heart and showing compassion to hurting people really count for something. Loveless sacrifices and heartless worship are meaningless ceremonies.
Doing right is more important than offering; being kind is more beneficial than sacrificing; walking humbly with Me is more critical than giving. A responsive life is better than elaborate rituals. A grateful heart—the sacrifice of praise—pleases Me more than any gift you ever place before My throne.
There is a better way than religion—it is called relationship.
The Lord has sought out a man after his own heart.
1 Samuel 13:14 NLT
I am the Infinite God—I search for people with repentant hearts. There is a stark contrast in My nature and yours. You have a long road to travel to become like Me. Your selfish pride needs suppressing, if you are to have a meek heart. Humble yourself in My Presence—see Me as I am and see yourself as you are. Do not get a big head by telling yourself you are better than you are—own up to shameful deeds and moral frailty; then seek forgiveness and supernatural strength.
I am the Intentional God—I look for people with wise hearts. Jesus continues to inspire you to reach faith’s finish line. Let nothing be more important than this noble objective. My Holy Spirit works in your mind to make your thoughts pristine, in your emotions to make your desires compassionate, in your personality to make your attitude Christlike. Let Christ reign on your heart’s throne so the watching world will see His mirror image reflected on your face.
I am the Holy God—I seek people who yearn for a clean heart. You are a natural-born sinner—inclined to seek your own pleasure instead of Mine. I alone can erase your bad record and give you pure thoughts and desires. Only if your heart is clean will you conduct yourself correctly. My unfailing love is your source of mercy. My Purifying Spirit can purge you of guilt and make you snow-white. Lead others by your example of holiness in thoughts, words, and deeds. Come clean. Grow up.
I am the Loving God—I am after people with truly loving hearts. Are you feeling you should care more? Would you like to be more spontaneous and compassionate as you share your faith? Let Me forgive your sin and restore our fellowship, then you will naturally want to share My love. Receive My tender care, and be a wounded healer to hurting friends. Nestle near My loving heart, and reach out to others with tenderness.
I am the Faithful God—I scan planet Earth for people with consistent hearts. I am the Fountainhead of perseverance. When My Holy Spirit controls your life, you will be rock-steady. Rely on heaven’s faithfulness in every season of your life; strive to be as dependable as clockwork in your earthly responsibilities.
Give Me your heart—then I will give you Mine.
Johnny R. Almond
Pastor, Hull’s Memorial Baptist Church
Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity - Book available on Amazon
At that time the Spirit of the Lord will come upon you with power,
and you will prophesy with them. You will be changed into a different person.
1 Samuel 10:6 NLT
There is plenty about you that needs to be changed! You are grumpy and cantankerous at times and need to learn how to be more optimistic and patient. You are arrogant and self-centered now and then and need to be more humble and concerned about others’ needs. You fume and fret about your uncertain tomorrows and need to develop one-day-at-a-time faith that I will take good care of you. You indulge in sinful pleasures at times and need to crucify your ego and find satisfaction in a pure heart and a right relationship with Me.
You have tried to change yourself by compulsive rituals and dogged resolve, but nothing has drastically changed. Sinful nature sabotages noble intentions. Perfection is an elusive goal in your strength. If you are going to be changed into a different person, you desperately need heaven’s help. Without Me, you are powerless. With Holy Spirit anointing, transformation can happen. Life on My terms is the solution.
If your words and actions are going to be revolutionized, you need divine inspiration. If you want to become radically new and be rid of the old, identify with Christ. Without God you cannot approach good. The Holy Spirit is your Change Agent. Behavior modification occurs from the inside out. I do infinitely more than make a great deal of difference—I make all the difference in the world!
Become a different person in your attitudes. Submit to My Internal Guidance System and become more compassionate, enthusiastic, serene, kind, generous, loyal,gentle, and self-controlled. Christlike character traits develop as by-products of My being in charge.
Become a different person in your actions. Do not just say you live by the Spirit—keep in step with the King’s cadence. Think My thoughts. Perpetually pray. Wield the Spirit Sword in combating sin. Conscientiously avoid evil. Make music to Me in your heart. Thank Me in everything. Never stifle My Spirit. Follow My life map for a change!
When people ask what has come over you, tell them I have!
Johnny R. Almond
Pastor, Hull’s Memorial Baptist Church
Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity – Book available on Amazon
Samuel then took a large stone and placed it between the towns of Mizpah and Jeshanah.
He named it Ebenezer (which means “the stone of help”), for he said, “Up to this point the Lord has helped us!”
1 Samuel 7:12 NLT
Slow down in your human race long enough to ask yourself—“How on earth have we made it this far?” Remind yourself of both your journey and My joy.
I have granted you the pleasure of My company. I have blessed you with victories over temptation. When you seriously drew near Me, and proved it by demolishing idols, I cascaded joy through your heart. When you centered your worship on Me and served Me alone, I delivered you from Satan’s power. Every time you concentrated on deepening our relationship, I came closer. Seeking a quiet place, silence calmed your noisy heart and enabled you to hear gentle whispers from eternity.
You have experienced a few difficulties, but I have never deserted you. My Presence has been your soul’s delight. In quicksand circumstances, I have been your Dependable Foundation. You have had tough times some describe as “impossible”, but the Rock of Ages has been your stability. Life’s roller coaster has not thrown you, because I am your Seatmate.
Up to now, I have helped you—otherwise, you would never have made it to this day. Only with heaven’s help have you survived.
Your help does not originate from the mountains; it flows from the Maker of mountains. I help you surmount every obstacle, so you can serve Me faithfully and fruitfully. I reinforce you with supernatural power 24/7, so you can do everything I ask of you.
Reflect on how I have helped you in your yesterdays—bow your head in gratitude. Celebrate how I am helping you today—I am your Complete Salvation, Victorious Strength, and Theme Song. Tune your heart to sing My grace day by day, and trust Me to help you as you step into tomorrow. Let all I have done for you encourage you to trust Me with the unknown. I will not let you stumble in the dark—I will always leave the light on.
How on earth can you hope to make it through life’s future challenges? The answer is—with heaven’s help.
Heaven has been on your side—and it still is! Take My hand—I will be your Helper on your life path, one stepping stone at a time.
Johnny R. Almond
Pastor, Hull’s Memorial Baptist Church
Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity
Book available on Amazon
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I have established a proportionate relationship between consecration and celebration—the nearer we are, the greater your joy. Stay close to Me, and I will stay close to you.
Prove you love Me by conscientiously and radically obeying Me, and I will be far more to you than a good idea or a noble ideal—I will be your Ultimate Reality and your Center of Gravity.
Focus on Me, and I will fill your heart with invulnerable joy, tranquility transcending circumstances, and contentment in inner-stances. Heaven’s bliss is unavailable on earthly markets. Nothing in the world comes close to the ecstasy of fellowship with God.
Listen to My hope melody, and I will transform despair into singing, sighing into praise, hunger into satisfaction, barrenness into birth, lethargy into exuberance, poverty into plenty, rags into royalty, defeat into victory, worry into confidence, and humiliation into honor.
Take My hand by faith, and I will teach you some new dance steps. Worship waltz will be your honor badge. The jig of joy will be your delight.
Pour your heart out to Me, and I will change you from inside out. Things around you may not change, but you will!
Rely on Me, and I will reinforce you with supernatural strength, so you can survive all situations and thrive in accomplishing My sweet will.
Be open to Me, and I will bless you to be a blessing to others.
Learn and live the principles of truth, and I will honor you by conferring on you the grand privilege of serving Me.
Keep trying to be like Jesus, and I will sculpt you into His likeness. I will keep working in you until My dream for you comes true.
Stay unflinchingly on My path until you attain the heavenly goal. Persevere through severity, focusing on Christ—I will get you safely home. Obey your Commander and win life’s battles. Listen to your Coach, and you will finish the Faith Marathon. Give your King undivided allegiance, and I will crown you with righteousness.
Reciprocal honor is the drumbeat of life—stay in step.
Pastor Johnny R. Almond
Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity
This devotional Day 135 - book available on Amazon
the idol had fallen face down before the Ark of the Lord.
This time his head and hands had broken off and were lying in the doorway.
Only the trunk of his body was left intact.
1 Samuel 5:4 NLT
I am the God above all gods. Sooner or later, the uselessness of idols comes to light. Substitutes for Me are lifeless things, non-gods, religious frauds, clever facsimiles. It is stupid to depend on anything except Me to comfort you in your hurts or rescue you from desperation. Idols are totally worthless. Blind to your plight, deaf to your prayers, insensitive to your pain—they are never any help.
I am the God of power and might. Wrecking idols is no problem for My omnipotence. They are zero compared to Infinity! The ark toppled the Philistines’ national god, spread a terrifying epidemic, and threw deluded idolaters into a state of panic. Your collection of idols cannot assist you in the storms of life. A mere breath of My Spirit Wind blows counterfeit gods away. If you erect a shrine to your ego, or bow down to any other force except Me, you will invariably be red-faced. Whatever you enthrone, I easily knock to the ground and shatter. Be careful that you allow nothing to take the place in your heart I alone deserve—first place!
I am God your Father. Worshiping Me—the Infinite One—is encouraging and exciting. Acknowledge Me with joy, singing, humility, gratitude, and praise. Desert all detestable idols you have known and devote yourself entirely to Me. Fall on your face before My throne of mercy. I will recapture your heart and mind—only then will your life make sense, your outlook be optimistic, and your lonely dirge become a festive dance.
I am God your Provider—richly providing for your needs. I am your Sovereign—working behind the scenes to orchestrate circumstances for your good. I am your Teacher—instructing you in the best way to live. I have made your body sacred space—you do not own yourself. Sail under My captaincy, and I will keep you on an even keel. Hold My hand, and I will steady your step. Worship Me with every heartbeat, and you are set for eternity.
Pastor Johnny R. Almond
This devotional is Day 136 of Gentle Whispers from Eternity
Hannah was in deep anguish, crying bitterly as she prayed to the Lord.
“I am very sad, and I was pouring out my heart to the Lord.
I have been praying out of great anguish and sorrow.”
1 Samuel 1:15, 16 NLT
I am willing to listen when you are hurting.
Philosophers are not always wise. Epicurus said if there were gods, they did not care for people. He was mistaken on both counts. I am the Only God, and I care about what happens to human beings. Aristotle said it would be eccentric to claim Zeus loved a person. Zeus never loved anybody, because Zeus is not God. I am Love. I love everybody, including you.
When you are crying the blues, I am available for counseling. When you are troubled, so am I. I have been down in the dumps Myself. Your tears grieve My heart. When you are discouraged and restless, trust Me. My shoulders are soft enough to cry on, strong enough to carry all burdens.
When the Sun of Righteousness rises with healing in His wings, warming rays of light on your face will make you kick up your heels like a calf let out to pasture—earth’s dirge transformed by eternity’s jazz in your soul. Praise will dawn again in your soul. Unfailing Love will see you through. When midnight sadness mutes your song, I will give you a new melody. I am your Face-Healer, removing all sad wrinkles.
I am willing to listen when you are humble.
Pour out your soul to Me, and I will pay close attention. Reverently approach, and you will gain a receptive audience with your King. Seek Me sincerely, and I will hear every word of your prayer.
I am willing to listen when you are heartfelt.
When you pray in anguish and grief, I feel your pain. When your prayer is heartfelt, I honor your request. Crying your eyes out lets you see Me clearly.
I am the Best Answer to Prayer. Walk close beside Me and deepen your relationship with Me. I am your Greatest Friend—All You Ever Really Need in life. Whatever else you pray for, make intimacy with Me your highest desire—I will take care of everything else.
Submit to the Omnipotent God—I can handle desperate situations. Pray sincerely to the Omniscient God—I am aware of your problems and I know solutions. Pour out your soul to the Omnipresent God—I wait to hear you out, wherever you are.
Praise the Lord who has given you a family redeemer today!
Ruth 4:14 NLT
Rejoice in your Redeemer—conquer loneliness by My love. I have not left you to your own devices, struggling to find a way through life’s lonely labyrinth—I grant you mercy in the maze. I have always loved you. Eternal Love charmed you to My heart. Unfailing Love accompanies you—My Spirit is your Counselor, Comforter, Encourager, and Defense Counsel. I will not orphan you in life’s storms. You can rest assured I will see you through difficult days and long nights, gently whispering to your heart that I am your Greatest Friend.
Rest in your Redeemer—turn from your hopeless effort to achieve human perfection, and triumph in the delight of My holiness gift. Relax in heaven’s embrace of grace. I have not deserted you in your dilemma of despair—I died for you! Tender Love paid the bloody price to purchase your spiritual freedom and redeem you from sin’s slave market. The ransom I paid was not money, but the innocent lifeblood of Jesus. You are not tyrannized by sin, because your Shepherd condescended to become a Lamb.
Rely on your Redeemer—give up your guilt and glory in grace! I have not rejected you in your rebellion and ruin—I redeemed you from your misery by My mercy. I am the Initiator and Enabler of a personal relationship with Christ. Identifying with Him by faith, you enjoy blessings beyond words! Faith in the One who is Truth personified gives you the key to timeless treasures of wisdom and critical knowledge of the universe. Clinging to the Sinless Savior who became the perfect offering for sin, you are on good terms with your Creator and have nothing to fear when you finally stand in My Presence. Sensitive to Holy Spirit promptings, steer clear of sin and live a self-controlled life. Ransomed from cruel addiction to sin, celebrate magnificent out-of-the-world freedom. Pull out all the stops! Celebrate My love all day!
The man won’t rest until he has followed through on this. He will settle it today.
Ruth 3:18 NLT
I am—I did not say I was or I used to be. I am the God of today. Today is the day of salvation; it is also the day of service. Right now is your golden opportunity. You have a long list of good intentions that need to be translated into initiatives. Follow-through improves golf, and life. It is a sin to know what you ought to do and not do it! Procrastination is more than laziness; loitering is sin. Idleness is the Devil’s workshop—when you fool around, he will go to work and attack you.
“Someday” you plan to speak kindly to one emotionally distant. “Someday” you intend to encourage one of your friends who is down. “Next week” you will spend more time with your spouse and children. “Tomorrow” never comes. That tomorrow you have been thinking about has arrived—it is today! Quit dawdling!
There is no time like the present. In fact, there is no time except the present!
Time is My gift—a present for you. Whatever else you use this day for, remember I made it for rejoicing. It is fine to be busy, but do not forget to be merry while you are at it. Whistle while you work.
Daylight hours are no time for long naps. Now is no time for mulling over plans for noble tasks. Do not just stare up the steps—step up the stairs. You have memorized your Commander’s orders; for heaven’s sake, obey!
You intend to be all I want you to be—tomorrow. You hope to be braver and kinder—tomorrow. But if you do not get on the move, you will disappear from the scene, with nothing left when your living is through but a mountain of things you intended to do—tomorrow. You will not pass this way again. I only give you one life. Be decisive in good deeds, so you can cross eternity’s threshold without outdated to-do lists.
Do things right—own up to sins, repent of ignoble purposes, and begin today to live rightly.
Do the right things—review your activities and cull the good that is distracting you from the best. Plan your work.
Do the right things right away—keep in mind life is not a dress rehearsal. You are on the eve of victory. Do not lie down to rest on plains of hesitation, or you may die there! Waiting for perfect conditions accomplishes zero. Work your plan.
I made this workday for a reason. You can get some rest after sunset—get to work!
Time is ticking away …
Pastor Johnny R. Almond
Hull’s Memorial Baptist Church-Friends on a Journey of Faith
Ruth replied, “Don’t ask me to leave you and turn back. I will go wherever you go and live wherever you live. Your people will be my people, and your God will be my God. I will die where you die and will be buried there. May the LORD punish me severely if I allow anything but death to separate us!”
RUTH 1:16, 17 NLT
Undying love is rare. Most people turn back from commitment in favor of convenience, forsaking commitment to enjoy personal comfort. Orpah returned to her people and gods, but Ruth stayed close to her mother-in-law and was determined to accompany her. She extended her trust in and love for Naomi to trust in and love for Me.
“Until death do us part” determination is hard to find. Marriages dissolve because of petty arguments, me-first demands, or sexual unfaithfulness. Few marriages go the lifetime distance. Promises are made only to be broken far short of the sworn goal. People do not always mean what they say. Minds change because hearts are not committed.
Ruth’s words paint a picture of how to make marriage last—traveling the same route, not going separate ways emotionally; living in the same residence, not separating a while to think things through; interacting with each other’s relatives, not snubbing those you do not like; worshiping the same God, not kneeling at different altars.
Know where your spouse is going. Pay close attention to the emotional and spiritual journey of the one you love most in the world. Demonstrate your love by listening. Cultivate meaningful relationships with your spouse’s relatives. Do not ignore or write them off—get to know them and enjoy their friendship. Pray with your spouse. Share your deepest desires with the one I gave you to be your partner for life.
Seek My blessing on your marriage. Depend on My Presence to enable you to keep your wedding vows. As long as you breathe, be faithful to your loving and wonderful spouse. Be grateful for the one I sent your way. Count your companion a blessing from the skies—see the touch of heaven in your mate’s eyes. You have given your heart—make sure it is forever.
You and I are inseparable. Death cannot kill My love for My bride. The Bridegroom has gracefully embraced you and will never let you go. Be true to Me until your last breath, and I will be true to you even after that.