To this were you called—it is inseparable from your vocation.
Christ suffered for you, leaving you His personal example,
so that you should follow on in His footsteps.
In a chaotic world, cultivate a calm mind.
Even in life’s storms, you can truly relax when you rest in Me.
Step off your hectivity treadmill—be still and sense My Holy Presence.
Crave spiritual nourishment in a confused world.
Keep faith in Me—wait in My shadow.
In a crazy world, develop a committed soul.
You are a child of the Light—do not run with cockroaches in dark alleys.
Make Me your purpose—serve Me enthusiastically and seek My smile.
Conduct yourself carefully in a careless world.
Focus on My will—work in My service.
In a crying world, maintain a cheerful attitude.
Even at midnight, sing hymns—others are listening, so sing well.
Celebrate the joy of humility, not just the happiness of happenings.
Stay near the Cornerstone in a conceited world.
Make Me your Festival—worship in My song.
In a complacent world, have a caring heart.
It is a cold, cruel world—love like your heart-warming God.
I am your Mission in the mayhem—work for your Divine Supervisor.
Get in a word for Christ in a counterfeit world.
Reach out with feeling—witness in My Spirit.
In a commonplace world, live a Christlike life.
Even when splinters from the cross hurt you, do not quit the noble quest.
The Via Dolorosa was not easy—Christian living is no cake walk.
Make a conscious effort in a carnal world.
Follow Me—walk in My steps.
(c) Pastor Johnny R. Almond
Day 357, Gentle Whispers from Eternity