Albrecht Durer Praying Hands
This is what the Sovereign LORD says:
“Look! I am placing a foundation stone in Jerusalem.
It is firm, a tested and precious cornerstone safe to build on.
Whoever believes need never run away again.”
I am the Graceful Rock of Ages—your Savior in a sinful world.
Do not wring your hands in futile regret over failures and wrongs—
fall on your knees and thank Me for making things right between us.
Worried about forgiveness? Self-doubt about goodness nagging you?
To counteract the poison of doubt, trust My redeeming work at the cross.
I am the Granite Solid Rock—your Stabilizer in a quicksand world.
When change and decay discourage you, remember I never change—
I have always loved you, and I always will.
Kings and kingdoms come and go; political promises are unreliable.
I am the Only Absolutely Dependable Spot in the universe.
Worried about your faithfulness? Count on Mine.
To counteract the poison of dismay, trust My rock-steady loyalty.
I am the Genuine Cornerstone—your Satisfier in a disappointing world.
When Satan’s carnival leaves you unhappy, return to My loving heart.
Travel My Holy Highway—stay off the evil one’s dead-end detour.
Enjoy the pleasure of My company—avoid heartbreak of rebellion.
Worried about felicity? Trust and obey Me, and find invulnerable joy.
To counteract the poison of disillusionment, trust My infinite resources.
I am the Guiding Foundation of life—your Shepherd in a deceptive world.
When tempting voices would lead you astray, listen to My true words.
Ignore skeptical voices—anticipate the joys of paradise restored.
Follow Me through the valley of death’s shadow—I will get you home.
Fully expect My Word to come true; you will not be disappointed.
Learn to lean on Me—hypertension will melt away in light of My love.
Hailstorms of fear and hurricanes of chaos cannot trump trust.
Worried about forever? Trust Me in time; live with Me in eternity.
To counteract the poison of despair, trust My reliable promises.

(c) Pastor Johnny R. Almond
Day 268, Gentle Whispers from Eternity