Albrecht Durer Praying Hands
What a day of crushing trouble! What a day of confusion and terror
the Lord, the LORD of Heaven’s Armies, has brought upon the Valley of Vision!
In overwhelming discouragement, I am your Inspired Enthusiasm.
In bone-tired weariness, I am your Welcome Rest.
In paralyzing fear, I am your Liberating Faith.
In dark despair, I am your Bright Hope.
In horrifying terror, I am your Quiet Peace.
In heartbreaking sadness, I am your Heavenly Joy.
In baffling perplexity, I am your Uncommon Wisdom.
In irritating frustration, I am your Supernatural Patience.
In egocentric arrogance, I am your Authentic Humility.
In dull apathy, I am your Passionate Purpose.
In loud tumult, I am your Silent Tranquility.
In midnight crying, I am your Praise Song.
In heartless self-absorption, I am your Compassionate Kindness.
In recurring sin, I am your Sustaining Grace.
In mournful death, I am your Eternal Life.
In lonely darkness, I am your Night Light.
In sincere repentance, I am your Total Forgiveness.
In penitent brokenness, I am your Absolute Healing.
In authentic humility, I am your True Honor.
In spiritual poverty, I am your Lavish Riches.
In intense difficulty, I am your Persevering Endurance.
In desperate situations, I am your Divine Help.
In excruciating moaning, I am your Relieving Morning.
In heavy tasks, I am your Enabling Poise.
In crazy pandemonium, I am your Incomprehensible Calm.
In relational clashes, I am your Understanding Smile.
In hesitant dilemmas, I am your Energizing Courage.
In deepest gloom, I am your Highest Glory.
In emotional valleys, I am your Ultimate Vision.

(c) Pastor Johnny R. Almond
Day 267, Gentle Whispers from Eternity