“The evil spirit often makes him fall into the fire or into water, trying to kill him.
Have mercy on us and help us. Do something if you can.”
“What do you mean, ‘If I can’?” Jesus asked. “Anything is possible if a person believes.”
Mark 9:22-23 NLT
Do you want to serve Me, yet feel unable to accomplish what I ask of you?
I know you are made of dust, and that you do not have nerves of steel.
Do you know that I am omnipotent, and that I never get tired?
Take My hand and be supernaturally reenergized to do My will.
I can help you walk farther than faintheartedness,
run faster than temptation, and soar higher than mediocrity.
You will not burn out if you let My Spirit refuel your passion for My cause.
You can, in fact, do all things I ask of you through Christ in your heart.
Depend on My unparalleled strength.
Are the Devil and his demons distracting you, trying to discourage you?
Do not give in to the evil one, or hellacious handcuffs will chafe your soul.
Yield to My mastery and enjoy freedom the world cannot give.
Reaching the point of desperation? Good – that is when I bless you!
Count on My absolute authority.
Overwhelmed with shame because of your iniquity?
Mercy is available to cancel your guilt if you confess and forsake sin.
My heart brings you home from your wandering if you hear My voice.
The blood of My Son gives you a clean heart if you cry out for it.
Trust My unfailing love.
Are life’s challenges leaving you feeling helpless?
I direct traffic patterns of galaxies – I guide you to the best life.
I hold the earth up on nothing – I watch over you day and night.
I am your Invisible Means of Support.
Stay connected to My infinite power.
Are you enduring an intense trial of your faith?
When you swim upstream in rivers of difficulty, you will not drown.
When you walk through purifying fire, you will not be incinerated.
“I only design your dross to consume, and your gold to refine.”
I permit or cause every circumstance—never worry; I know what I am doing.
Submit to My sovereign rule.
Facing a problem you are unable to solve? Welcome to the human race!
Many things are too difficult for you, but nothing is too hard for Me.
It is not a question of “If I can” – it is a question of if you believe.
Trust My unlimited ability.

© Pastor Johnny R. Almond—Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity