The people of Judah were exiled to Babylon because they were unfaithful to the Lord.
1 Chronicles 9:1 NLT
I am the King of Love—I have indelibly written your name in the Book of Life and have sworn never to erase it. I am faithful to My Word. I mean what I say and guarantee I will keep every vow. My promises brighten tomorrow. Holy Radiant Light perpetually shines on you—there will never be any shadows caused by My turning away from My purpose regarding you.
When all else in the world fails, Unfailing Love will continue. If you ever become afraid that I might obliterate you because of your sins, remember My mercy prevents your destruction.
My faithfulness is greater than any force in the universe that would oppose you. Kindness dawns every sunrise on hope’s horizon. I Will Always Be Who I Have Always Been—you can trust Me.
Like My people Israel, your sins enslave you in bondage. Your unfaithfulness to Me makes you susceptible to imprisonment to sin and exile to the land of melancholy and the desert of loneliness. Unbelief and disobedience carry dire results. Only the King of liberty can unshackle you and release you from Satan’s handcuffs. Addiction to evil is no fun. Captivation to Christ is life’s highest joy!
Your faithfulness is changeable—My faithfulness is constant.
Only by grace can you be loyal to Me. When you are, you celebrate; when you are not, you are chafed by fetters. I discipline you for your good, to teach you how to live a holy life—that makes you uncomfortable, but it also helps you grow up. No matter how you rebel, I am consistent as clockwork in love toward you. Let My faithfulness inspire yours.
By the power of the King of life you can return from enslavement in a confusing land. Infinite compassion repatriates captives to the promised land and teaches them to sing joyful hymns of praise. Playing games at the foot of the cross alienates you from your Savior. Fall on your knees—then you can get on your feet again.
Rejoice in My faithfulness. Celebrate God all day, every day! If sin has exiled you to a foreign land, permit My Holy Spirit to liberate you and return you to the holy land of the broken—and blessed—heart.
Semper Fidelis takes on a new meaning—I am always faithful.

© 2013 Johnny R. Almond
Pastor, Hull’s Memorial Baptist Church
Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity