A Prayer for Election Day
By Pastor Johnny Almond
Lord of the nations,
After a long and tiring presidential race with vicious contention, intense debate and sad divisiveness; with election day approaching in only a few hours — we approach You, Almighty God, with a heartfelt prayer for the nation we love, the country of our birth.
Wondering what turnaround it might take to restore peace and quiet, justice and kindness to our land, we recall a verse from a very old Book we’ve read and heard quoted countless times—
If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and will heal their land. [2 Chronicles 7:14 KJV]
Could this if-then formula, conscientiously practiced by people of faith, make America great—and good—again?
Are these ancient words powerful enough to transform society by changing hearts submissive to your Holy Spirit?
Would widespread application of this verse help us be better neighbors, cancel selfishness with sacrifice, and make us stronger together by replacing the love of power with the power of love?
Lord Jesus Christ, we who are called by your name search our souls and ask ourselves some personal questions—Are we willing to humbly dismount our high horse of judgmentalism and realize we’re not God? Are we sincerely hoping for your will to be done in the results of this national election? Are we seeking your face, or just trying to save our own? Are we convicted of our own wrongdoing and shortcomings, and willing to repent of evil in our lives?
Heavenly Father, please hear our prayer and bless us by forgiving our sins and restoring our land to be a nation of citizens free from fear, free from want, free to speak our mind, and free to worship our God.
In the name of the One on whose shoulders rests the government of the universe, the Prince of Peace, Amen.
Johnny R. Almond
Pastor, Hull’s Memorial Baptist Church - Friends on a Journey of Faith
Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity—book available on Amazon